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Updated by Kai Vaughn on Jan 24, 2015
Kai Vaughn Kai Vaughn
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Alti Meter Group International Research

Altimeter Group provides research and advisory for companies challenged by business disruptions, enabling them to pursue new opportunities and business models.
Alti Meter Group International Research: About

Altimeter Group provides research and advisory for companies challenged by business disruptions, enabling them to pursue new opportunities and business models.

We share our independent research on business disruptions via research reports, webinars, speeches, and more. We also offer advisory services to business leaders who wish to explore the specific implications of these disruptions within their organizations.

The Altimeter Difference

• Research-Based: Our methodologies and best practice recommendations are based on both quantitative and qualitative research.
• Holistic Approach: Our strategy examines both engagement with external audiences, and internal process and technology development required to ensure success.
• Experience: Our analysts each have years of experience in deployment on the buyer side or as analysts at other firms.
Alti Meter Group International Research: Research

Research is at the center of what we do at Altimeter — read our published Research Reports. We focus our research on how disruptive trends can be used by organizations. The research we conduct results in a variety of outputs, ranging from formal reports and books to presentations and webinars.

But we do more than just follow a rigorous research process — we also believe in Open Research, which allows us to release reports under Creative Commons. This means that you can use it in your planning, presentations, and blog posts. You can download the reports and presentations directly from SlideShare.
Alti Meter Group International Research: Research Agenda

Q3 2013

Defining and Mapping Native Advertising by Rebecca Lieb
Coverage Area: Advertising, Media, Content

Everyone’s talking about native advertising, but the market has yet to coalesce around a single definition or understand how it differs from existing models like advertorials or branded/sponsored content. Based on interviews with brands, agencies, and domain experts, this report will provide a market definition of native advertising, with benefits, best practices, and challenges, as well as provide a taxonomy of product offerings from social platforms, technology vendors and publishers.
Alti Meter Group International Research: Research Themes

Four Disruption Themes for Business

As an analyst and research firm focused on disruptive business trends, our clients and others frequently ask us what we are paying attention to and what we are researching. With this in mind, below we announce a few key disruptive themes that have the potential to significantly impact organizations and consumers during the next three years.
Alti Meter Group International Research: Advisory Sessions

Advisory sessions offer clients the opportunity to engage in a discussion with an Altimeter analyst on a specific issue around disruptive trends. These sessions typically revolve around existing or ongoing research that the analyst is doing. These advisory sessions can be done onsite with the client, in our offices in San Mateo, California, or over the phone, and range in length from 30 minutes to a full day. Longer sessions typically include a preparatory call to discuss needs and expectations.

Some examples of issues addressed in past advisory sessions include the following:

• Regularly scheduled calls to discuss the latest market development or issue the client may be facing
• As needed advisory calls to discuss shifts in the competitive landscape or the value of adopting an emerging technology
• Product strategy review, licensing and pricing strategy, and external and internal positioning