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Updated by Geoff Neupert on May 01, 2024
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Geoff Neupert's YouTube Videos

Learn the secrets to getting the fastest results possible with kettlebell training.

Typically, you can do more "total work" using chains compared to complexes

Typically, you can do more "total work" - or work measured by the numbers - volume of work performed in each training session using chains compared to complexes.
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How to program Your Kettlebell Complexes vs Chains - Part 1

The simplest example is the time-tested Clean + Press.
Perform all your cleans first, then your presses, and you’re performing a complex.
Alternate between cleans and presses, and you’re performing a chain.
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How to program Your Kettlebell Complexes vs Chains - Part 2

In the chain, you’re using each Clean to set up the following Press. A properly performed Clean creates a “force wave” which then makes the subsequent press stronger.
So, even in the face of fatigue, this makes your Presses stronger.
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What makes a "Good" Kettlebell Workout?

1️. Gets done.
2️. Is short enough to not take time away from my family.
3️. Has “enough” of the “right” things in it to keep me measuring progress - somewhere
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The Difference Between Complexes and Chains

Complexes create more "local muscle fatigue" because you're performing consecutive reps of each exercise. Chains spare "local muscle fatigue" and spread the fatigue evenly across the body as a whole. Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:

#5 - Random Acts of Variety - Reasons You're not seeing results

There are 5 reasons, that, you're not seeing the results you want to from your KB workouts.
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5 Tips to fix Shiny Object Syndrome

Use exercise progressions
Change exercise selections
Find & fix weak areas
Change outcomes, based on needs of the individual/sport
Use load progressions (from simple to complex)
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How To Build Kettlebell Workout Consistency With LPP

If you’re struggling to consistently work out, you’ll probably find this helpful, especially if you find yourself suffering from “Shiny Object Syndrome” and hopping from program to program, without anything to show for it except little to no measurable results and feeling like a failure.
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What is a Kettlebell Chain?

A Chain is a series of compound exercises performed sequentially with the same kettlebell in which each exercise is performed once before the sequence is started again. Each time the sequence is performed is considered one repetition. Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:

LEVEL 5 Kettlebell Workout Programming - SAMPLES EXAMPLE #3

GOAL: Power / Strength Endurance
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What is a Kettlebell Complex?

Complex: A series of compound exercises performed sequentially with the same weight (kettlebell) and without rest. All the reps for one exercise are completed before moving on to the next exercise in the sequence. Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:

Why you're not seeing results - Reason #5 - NOT Eating ENOUGH…

Getting stronger from your kettlebell workouts but not seeing a difference in the mirror?
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Reason #5 why you're not seeing results - NOT Eating ENOUGH…

Getting stronger from your kettlebell workouts but not seeing a difference in the mirror?
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What’s the least you can do and still lose fat from your KB workouts?

“Unsexy” kettlebell fat loss workouts?
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