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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for 5 Best Guidelines for Making Health-Conscious Choices When Ordering Fast Food- Embracing Indulgent Mindfulness 
Joanna James Joanna James
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5 Best Guidelines for Making Health-Conscious Choices When Ordering Fast Food- Embracing Indulgent Mindfulness 

Mindful eating is not synonymous with tasteless greens, a rigid no-snacking policy, and cutting off from entire food groups. It's all about lovingly listening to your body and learning what helps you function optimally. Here’s how you can indulge your fast-food cravings with a holistic mindset. 


Downsize Your Portions

Chiefly catering to career-driven, millennial-saturated markets with their tantalising taste and budget-friendly convenience, it is no wonder that the global fast-food market is predicted to reach over 1467 billion USD by 2028. Cultivating a healthy relationship with food means that instead of depriving yourself of the foods you love and labelling certain food types as ‘bad’ or ‘cheat meals’, you adopt a more balanced, flexible, and sustainable approach to eating. For instance, if you’ve got burgers on your mind, go ahead and order one! Just make sure you choose a moderate size, avoid stomach-bloating sides like cheesy fries and chicken nuggets, and opt for more humble lean meat patties that are not described as ‘crispy’, ‘deep-fried’, or ‘breaded’. 


Have the Courage to Customise

Whether it's simply requesting less salt, mayo, oil, and butter or thinking even bigger and bolder, like opting for an open-faced burger (minus the top bun), requesting sour-dough or whole-grain bread for your juicy sandwich, or swapping out iceberg lettuce for spinach or kale, make sure you advocate for what your body needs and inspire others to adapt to their chosen foodie lifestyle with confidence! If you’re looking for quality fast-food brands that allow for deliciously conscious eating, venture no further than the likes of Jollibee Food Corporation


Look Beyond the ‘Healthy’ Lingo 

If you’re looking for healthier options in a fast-food restaurant and come across salads and soups, it’s important to pause and take stock of the ingredients! For instance, the tuna salad you excitedly envision is likely to come with lashings of mayo and a cream-dense soup piled with croutons isn’t the best way to stick to your ideal daily fat intake. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can easily tweak your order and still hit the spot; for instance, by requesting a tiny bit of dressing on the side, adding in lean protein sources, and asking for a variety of veggies, fruits, and seeds as an alternative to high-fat sauces. 


Beware of Calorie-dense Beverages 

While it’s tempting to pair your taco, sandwich, or burger with a tall, chilled glass of soda or a creamily sweet milkshake and treat your sweet tooth to a luscious dessert, be it a syrupy sundae, chocolate-chip cookie, or flaky pie, make sure you don’t go overboard! Consider ordering water or herbal tea to accompany your meal and a kid-sized cup of the ice cream you’re craving, opting for frozen yogurt or a smoothie bowl if possible!


Don’t Order on an Empty Stomach 

If your tummy is grumbling and you’re hyper-focused on not being hangry, chances are that you are not going to be patient enough to order mindfully! And if you miraculously do manage to stick with a salad and juice, you’re only going to regret it and start binging not-so-healthy snacks to fill you up after your meagre meal. Therefore, make sure you eat wholesome, filling foods throughout the day and stay hydrated with plenty of water so that you are only moderately hungry when it’s time to cave in and get some fast food! 

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