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Updated by G Srinivasan on Apr 01, 2015
G Srinivasan G Srinivasan
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Electric Shaver Sensitive Skin

What is sensitive skin?
A formal definition for the condition has yet to be created, but most dermatologists characterize sensitive skin as skin that experiences:
Daily Sensitive Skin Care Regimens
Sensitive skin is a common problem for people -- it's so common, in fact, that drugstores are filled with products that promise to soothe and smooth. But do these products improve skin health for everyone with sensitive skin? Unfortunately, no two types of skin are alike.
Products for Sensitive Skin - Dermalogica
Frustrating flare-ups and redness signal inflammation and a damaged barrier layer. New scientific research has unearthed a new trigger behind sensitized skin, as well as powerful ingredients for recovery and relief. Millions of people perceive their skin as sensitive. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that 50% of the United States population experience some form of sensitive skin.