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Updated by yiwen tian on Feb 05, 2024
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Featured in mental health

Here are some articles about mental health. Please add your mental health issues to the list so I can discover more.

What is a perfect friendship: A Complete Overview - Mental Health Network

Perfect friendship is an elusive concept that transcends superficial interactions, delving deep into the realms of mutual understanding, trust, and support.

When to call it quits job: A Complete Overview - Mental Health Network

Deciding when to call it quits on a job is a significant career decision that many individuals face at some point in their professional lives. Whether

How to cope with panic attacks at work? - Mental Health Network

Experiencing panic attacks at work can be a challenging and distressing ordeal, impacting both professional performance and overall well-being. It's crucial

How to rebuild trust in a friendship? - Mental Health Network

Trust is the bedrock of all meaningful relationships, and friendships are no exception. When trust is compromised, whether through misunderstandings,

How to deal with flying anxiety? - Mental Health Network

Flying anxiety, also known as aviophobia, is a common challenge for many individuals. The fear of flying can range from mild unease to severe anxiety,

How to cope with generalized anxiety disorder? - Mental Health Network

Living with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can be a challenging and overwhelming experience, impacting various aspects of daily life. However, with the

How to Manage Friendships? - Mental Health Network

Friendships are an integral part of the human experience, contributing to our emotional well-being, personal growth, and overall happiness. Successfully

How to build your self esteem after narcissistic abuse? - Mental Health Network

Rebuilding self-esteem after narcissistic abuse is a complex and delicate process that requires time, patience, and self-reflection. Individuals who have

How do you know if someone likes you secretly? - Mental Health Network

Navigating the intricacies of human relationships can be both exciting and challenging. One common curiosity that often arises is figuring out whether someone

How to maintain friendship with ex? - Mental Health Network

The end of a romantic relationship can be a challenging and emotional experience. However, for some individuals, the desire to maintain a friendship with an

Can bipolar disorder affect memory? - Mental Health Network

Bipolar disorder, a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings, is known to affect various aspects of a person's life. While the impact on

How to look confident at work? - Mental Health Network

Confidence is a key attribute that can significantly impact your professional success and how others perceive you in the workplace. The ability to appear

Can someone like you but not talk to you? - Mental Health Network

In the intricate dance of human emotions, the question often arises: Can someone like you without engaging in verbal communication? While verbal expression is

Should i quit my job because of coworkers? - Mental Health Network

The dynamics between coworkers play a significant role in shaping the work environment and overall job satisfaction. When workplace relationships become

How to trust yourself and be confident? - Mental Health Network

In the journey of personal development, one of the fundamental pillars is the ability to trust yourself and be confident. These qualities form the bedrock of

What symbolises friendship: Things You Need To Know - Mental Health Network

Friendship, a profound connection that transcends time and space, is a treasure that enriches our lives in countless ways. As we navigate the intricate

How to Build Friendship with a Guy: A Comprehensive Guide - Mental Health Network

Friendship is a cornerstone of human relationships, offering companionship, support, and shared experiences. Building a friendship with a guy requires a

How to mend a friendship after betrayal? - Mental Health Network

Friendship, a source of joy and support, can be deeply tested when betrayal enters the equation. Navigating the aftermath of betrayal in a friendship requires

How to develop confident personality? - Mental Health Network

In today's dynamic and competitive world, possessing a confident personality is a key asset that can open doors to numerous opportunities and contribute

How to deal with self esteem problems? - Mental Health Network

Self-esteem is the cornerstone of a healthy and fulfilling life. It serves as the foundation for our emotional well-being, influencing how we perceive

Is friendship more important than love? - Mental Health Network

The intricate dance between friendship and love has captivated minds, poets, and philosophers throughout the ages. Both concepts hold profound significance in

Why does my friendship feel like a relationship? - Mental Health Network

Friendship is a multifaceted and dynamic bond that plays a pivotal role in our lives. However, there are instances when the lines between friendship and

How to beat depression and anxiety without medication? - Mental Health Network

Depression and anxiety are formidable adversaries that cast a pervasive shadow over the lives of millions. While medication can be a valuable component of

How to overcome low self esteem and inferiority complex? - Mental Health Network

Low self-esteem and inferiority complex can significantly impact various aspects of an individual's life, hindering personal growth and fulfillment.

How to lift up your self esteem? - Mental Health Network

Self-esteem serves as the cornerstone of a fulfilling and empowered life, influencing our thoughts, actions, and interactions with the world. It is crucial to