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Updated by Everett Program on Jan 12, 2015
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Podcasts for Nonprofits

We thought we’d give your eyes a break from the standard “27 Twitter Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make” and bring you a collection of podcasts to give your ears something to do.


Social Good

The name is very on the nose. Social Good, from covers a wide range of topics near and dear to the heart of a nonprofit like “How to Use Social Media to Rally Supporters” and “How to Foster a Loyal Community Around Your Nonprofit”.

Conquering Nonprofit Chaos

What Bradley Burck lacks in a nice thumbnail icon to preserve the visual consistency of this article, he more than makes up for in straightforward discussions about the plethora of logistical and technological challenges facing nonprofits. The majority of the 40 podcasts are less than 15 minutes in length, making them very digestible.

The Podcasts

A great source for stories and interview. They haven’t published lately, but their archive clocks in at 92 podcasts so there’s a good chance you can find something that interests you. A lot of episodes are dedicated to exploring grad programs for nonprofit management, which is something GIIP, as an undergraduate program, really appreciates seeing.

Center for Social Innovation

From the amazing folks over at Staford comes this course on iTunesU. The subject matter is a bit more academic than other items on this list, but well worth your time. Many great discussions on the lofty subject of social innovation and social entrepreneurship, a word we all wish was easier to spell. If you’re not already subscribed to their newsletter, we highly recommend it.

Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

Tony bills his podcast as “Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%”. Meaning that while the big dogs can afford multiple people whose titles start with “Executive Director of _____”, the rest of the nonprofit world mostly goes it alone. This podcast has been running weekly for 100 episodes now and there’s no doubt you’ll find something that speaks directly to your org.