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Updated by T.j. Williams on Jan 27, 2015
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Best Tablets for Toddlers

Should Toddlers Use Tablets and Smartphones After All?

Life with an almost 9-month-old is like a revolving door - everything that's old is new: Sophie the rubber giraffe, a crinkly piece of yellow cloth-wrapped plastic, a strange plush-toy thingamajig with half a dozen waggling appendages.

Children and Media
When to Introduce Your Child to a Smartphone or Tablet By Laura Lewis Brown From the time they can grasp an object in their hands, children reach for electronic gadgets of all kinds, particularly our cell phones and computers.
How Old Should Your Kid Be Before You Buy Him A Tablet?
The Arnova ChildPad. The Oregon Scientific Meep. The Toys R' Us Nabeo 7. The LeapFrog LeapPad 2. Ever more of these specially made, kid-friendly, atrociously-named tablets are popping up in the electronics aisle, promising protected Internet browsing and a collection apps that parents don't have to screen for safety.
One Tablet Per Child?
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