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Updated by Mike Allton on Nov 07, 2018
Mike Allton Mike Allton
18 items   93 followers   26 votes   3.08k views

My Favorite Blogging and Social Media Bloggers

These are the bloggers and writers that I follow and read regularly.

Peg Fitzpatrick

Peg Fitzpatrick - Social media spark, marketing pro, and positive vibe producer.

Wade Harman

I show you how to spark an emotional reaction, get people's attention, and encourage them to take action!

Jeff Sieh

Our goal is to make our clients successful online.

Darrel Rowse

I’m a full time Blogger making a living from blogs like Digital Photography School and TwiTip - Twitter Tips.

Heidi Cohen

Heidi Cohen’s blog provides marketing related insights grounded in digital and direct marketing.

Brian Clark

Brian built three successful offline businesses using online marketing techniques before moving to a completely online business model.

Stephan Hovnanian

Learn the process you need to go through to make sure each social media post has the maximum impact.

Jenn Herman

Understanding Trends in Social Media Management

Mark Schaefer

Mark Schaefer is an acclaimed college educator, author, speaker and consultant who has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the CBS NEWS.

Rebekah Radice

Social media marketing, brand management, content marketing tips, tools and strategies

Jesse Wojdylo

Copywriting, Content Creation and Social Strategy

Dustin W. Stout

There are three things that I am very passionate about: God (Christianity), Creativity, and Social Media.

Kimberly Reynolds

Kimberly is one of the founders of SocialNotz and developer of QwikR®.

Jeff Bullas

Helping business and personal brands with digital marketing including social media with Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Search Engine Optimization. Our goal "To optimize your brand in a digital world"

Danny Brown

I come from a background of 20 years in marketing, and gained my Associate Marketing Degree from the Chartered Institute of Marketing almost 15 years ago.

Kyle Lacy

I'm obsessed with the idea that technology can transform the way brands (internal and external) interact with consumers. We are on the cusp of a complete revolution in technology and marketing.... that's awesome. We also have to remember that the ability to communicate is the most precious thing of all.

Derek Halpern

Derek Halpern is the founder of Social Triggers, the top marketing / psychology blog with more than 100,000 readers each month.

Michael Bennett

Michael offers detailed compilations of content, all curated using the Google Drive tool.