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Updated by Michelle Farmer on Jan 12, 2015
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redneck halloween costume ideas

How to Create the Perfect Redneck Halloween Costume

As someone who spent the majority of his life living in Oklahoma, the buckle of the Bible Belt, I can use my personal experience to better inform your creation of a truly authentic redneck Halloween costume. Before I begin with an outline of key points of redneck attire, a few general notes: cheaper is better.

Ideas for Dressing Up As a Redneck

Whether it is Halloween, you are attending (or throwing) a redneck party, or you just like the attire, dressing up as a redneck is easy. Chances are you will already have some articles of clothing you can modify for this purpose. If not, visit a local thrift store for low-priced redneck apparel.

Women's Costumes & Hairstyles : How to Dress Like a Redneck

Dress like a redneck by wearing cowboy boots, long or short overalls, Daisy Duke shorts, a flannel shirt and sunglasses. Finish off a redneck look with a roughed up hairstyle and a can of beer with ideas from a costumer, designer and cosmetologist in this free video on redneck costumes.

Redneck, Redneck housewife halloween costume, redneck costume | Redneck Housewife

By Michelle Redneck Woman Costumes Wig First off as you know I am a Redneck Housewife so this is what I wear everyday. Flannel Shirt and Short Skirt with really cute long blonde Hair! Yeah I wish, but if I was young and beautiful again that is what I would wear.