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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Feb 05, 2024
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YouTube Kettlebell Workouts

Uncovering The One Squat You Must Do For Life #shorts

The Goblet Squat is probably the one squat you should seek to maintain your entire life.
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What's the "5 LEVEL Pyramid for Optimal Kettlebell Workout 'GAINZ'"...?

Different workouts, different training plans, have different effects and outcomes on your body.
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LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell - Swing, Clean, Squat, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk

LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell - Swing, Clean, Squat, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk, and assistance exercises. Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:

LEVEL 5: Power, power-endurance, and strength-endurance training with LEVEL 4 exercises

LEVEL 5: Power, power-endurance, and strength-endurance training with LEVEL 4 exercises (the ability to maintain form in the face of fatigue)
Level 5 programming develops and refines an “Iron Will,” along with high performance outputs, that make every day living and activities effortless.
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Why I swallowed my pride and (finally) got certified as a kettlebell instructor

Bruises. On the back of the wrists. And on the upper arms/shoulders. We (select “harcore” clients and I) wore them as “Badges of Honor.”
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Pavel Tsatsouline could pretty much get anyone swinging a kettlebell in roughly 5 minutes

I mean, c’mon! For the love of all things good, I’d just done a triple on the Snatch Grip Deadlift from the knees with 270kg!
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These form the LEVEL 1 exercises for kettlebell training.

The basics (as of today): 1️⃣ The Swing 2️⃣ The Turkish Get Up 3️⃣ The Goblet Squat These form the LEVEL 1 exercises for kettlebell training.
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The Turkish Get Up:

Many in the “Kettlebell Community” over the last 20 years have reported that the TGU has fixed their old shoulder injuries when nothing else helped. Others have reported that it strengthened their Military Press. Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:

The Goblet Squat is the one squat you should seek to maintain your entire life.

➡️ [a] It’s a stepping stone to the other types of squats, if you ever want to do them again
➡️ [b] Studies have shown that leg strength and leg circumference are leading indicators of longevity. Learn More on My YouTube:

The Clean is a delivery system to get the KB into the “rack”

The rack is the starting point and ending point for other exercises like the Military Press or the Single KB Front Squat (not shown in LEVEL 2, but technically a LEVEL 2 exercise).
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Great for building upper body muscle (The Military Press)

Great for building upper body muscle, it works your shoulders, upper chest, triceps, biceps, and even upper back. Due to the asymmetrical loading (one side only), it’s also a powerful abdominal builder. Learn More on My YouTube Channel:

The Push Press is like a cheat Military Press where you use your legs to get the weight overhead

However, the reason I categorize it as a 2B exercise is that most people “let their middle go” - release the tension/pressure in their abdominals when doing this, which is a skill that is practiced and hopefully mastered BEFORE you get to the PP.
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The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press Makes Your Heart Work More

Your heart gets more work because you’re moving the kettlebell from under your body - using your legs - to over your head - using your arms…… So this makes your heart have to pump more blood, improving cardiovascular fitness and health, and keeping heart disease at bay.
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You can forge a powerful physique with “just” these single Kettlebell lifts

✅ Turkish Get Up ✅ 1-Hand Swings ✅ Snatching ✅ Military Press ✅ Clean + Press ✅ Clean + Push Press. Learn More Here:

Military Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm

✅ Turkish Get Up with ½ your bodyweight - for multiple sets
✅ 1-Hand Swings with ½ your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps in one training session
✅ Snatching ⅓ of your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps (26-33% of bodyweight is the “power” zone)
✅ Military Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm
✅ Clean + Press ⅓ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session
✅ Clean + Push Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session

Snatching ⅓ of your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps

✅ Turkish Get Up with ½ your bodyweight - for multiple sets
✅ 1-Hand Swings with ½ your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps in one training session
✅ Snatching ⅓ of your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps (26-33% of bodyweight is the “power” zone)
✅ Military Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm
✅ Clean + Press ⅓ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session
✅ Clean + Push Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session

Clean + Push Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session

✅ Turkish Get Up with ½ your bodyweight - for multiple sets
✅ 1-Hand Swings with ½ your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps in one training session
✅ Snatching ⅓ of your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps (26-33% of bodyweight is the “power” zone)
✅ Military Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm
✅ Clean + Press ⅓ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session
✅ Clean + Push Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session

The first time I swung a 32kg - 20 reps, the now “American” Swing

The first time I swung a 32kg - 20 reps, the now “American” Swing - where the kettlebell finishes up over your head. This felt like I’d been punched in the stomach and my lungs had been turned inside out and yanked out of my body.

LEVEL 2 Programming

In LEVEL 2, we’re focused on building strength, so reps will be low-ish. Grinds (MP): 1-5 reps per set. Ballistics (Clean, Snatch, PP, Jerk): Up to 10 reps per set.

LEVEL 3 workouts and programs train you for the following (PART 2)

Develop power-endurance - the ability to produce high levels of power/work over a set period of time, or set periods of time. Improve your health - they make you more glucose tolerant and insulin sensitive (fights off Type 2 Diabetes), and build a stronger, healthier, heart and cardiovascular system, so you fight off heart disease and live longer, in a younger body.
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LEVEL 3 workouts and programs train you for the following (PART 3)

Reforge your physique - they burn fat, and build muscle, without pumping out multiple reps of multiple exercises for each bodypart or spending hours on a treadmill in the “fat-burning zone”.
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This is the REAL WORLD functionality of kettlebell training

Level 3 programming is the REAL WORLD functionality of kettlebell training - where the rubber meets the road. These types of training programs make you EVERYDAY STRONG. This is the type of strength that you can use in real world, daily activities, as opposed to say, training for powerlifting exclusively.

Here are several different examples of LEVEL 3 programs (PART 1)

Training OTM (On The Minute) with low(er) reps. Simple to Complex - Using lower reps to medium reps and/or single exercises to compound exercises (Clean → Clean + Press → Clean + Press + Squat)
High Power Repeats or Serial Repeats: 90%+ effort with high speed eccentrics.

Here are several different examples of LEVEL 3 programs (PART 2)

Low to Medium reps, high power, medium to heavy loads, using combo exercises for multiple repeats. Minimalism at its finest: Single exercise, heavy load, high power variable length repeats with increasingly longer sets.

The Top 2-3 Kettlebell Exercises for Your LEGS…?

If you need a training plan with a “heavy dose of legs” programmed into it so you can get stronger and more muscular…
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