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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for 5 Things to Do on the Magical Island of Koh Yao Yai - Incredible Experiences
Joanna James Joanna James
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5 Things to Do on the Magical Island of Koh Yao Yai - Incredible Experiences

Nestled in the Andaman Sea, Koh Yao Yai is a haven for those seeking a genuine escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Dive into the heart of the island and discover the top things to do that'll make your trip unforgettable.


Island Biking Adventure

Grab a bicycle and hit the island's winding trails, exploring hidden gems that tourist brochures won't tell you about. Feel the wind in your hair as you pedal through lush rubber tree plantations and quaint fishing villages. You might stumble upon a local eatery serving the freshest seafood—your taste buds will thank you. Take a detour to visit the rice paddies, where the emerald green fields stretch out like a patchwork quilt. The rhythmic hum of cicadas provides the soundtrack to your journey, creating a symphony of nature that's a refreshing break from the urban cacophony.


Beach Bumming Done Right

Koh Yao Yai boasts some of the most unspoiled beaches in Thailand. No need for a glamorous beach club—just throw down a towel, kick off your flip-flops, and soak in the simplicity of the sun, sea, and sand. This is one of the best things to do while enjoying your holidays at suites in Phuket offered by the likes of Anantara Koh Yao Yai Resort & Villas. Take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, collecting seashells or capturing the mesmerising sunset. It's the kind of beach day that Instagram dreams are made of. As the day turns to dusk, set up a bonfire, share stories with fellow beachgoers, and be enchanted by the starlit sky. This is the epitome of a beach bumming experience where time slows down, and worries drift away with the tide.


Homestay Hospitality

Experience genuine Thai hospitality by opting for a homestay. Skip the fancy resorts and immerse yourself in the local way of life. Connect with your host family, share stories over a homemade meal, and learn a bit about the island's culture. It's a chance to trade the ordinary for the extraordinary and make memories that transcend the typical tourist experience. Wake up to the aroma of fresh coffee and join your hosts in their daily routines, whether it's tending to the garden or helping prepare a traditional Thai breakfast. The warmth and authenticity of a homestay create a bond that goes beyond a transactional tourist stay.


Longtail Boat Excursion

Forget the overcrowded speedboats and hop on a longtail boat for an authentic island-hopping adventure. Your local boatman will guide you to secluded coves, hidden lagoons, and snorkelling spots where vibrant marine life awaits. Don't be surprised if you encounter a pod of dolphins—they're known to make impromptu appearances, adding a touch of magic to your maritime escapade. Take the opportunity to learn the art of longtail boat navigation from your experienced captain, gaining insights into the island's maritime traditions. Each wave and ripple tells a story of the sea, making this excursion not just a tour but a voyage through Koh Yao Yai's seafaring heritage.


Local Market Exploration

For a taste of Koh Yao Yai's authenticity, meander through the local markets. Engage with friendly vendors as you sample street food that's as genuine as it gets. From fragrant curries to grilled delicacies, the market is a feast for the senses. Don't be shy to try something new—you might just discover your new favourite Thai dish. Engross yourself in the vibrant colours and lively chatter of the market, where locals trade stories along with their goods. Whether it's handcrafted souvenirs or exotic spices, each stall has a tale to tell. The market is a microcosm of Koh Yao Yai's cultural richness, where every interaction becomes a snapshot of the island's daily life.