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Updated by lucasmiller70005 on Nov 18, 2023
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NetLogo EcoSystem: Predator-Prey Simulation

Ready for another NetLogo simulation challenge? In this blog post, we'll tackle a programming assignment that involves creating a NetLogo model to simulate a predator-prey ecosystem. This assignment will test your NetLogo programming skills and your ability to model dynamic interactions. If you are thinking, 'Who can write my NetLogo assignment?' We are here to help you.

Problem Description

The Task:

Your mission is to create a NetLogo model that simulates the interactions between wolves (predators) and rabbits (prey) in a confined environment. Implement rules for movement, reproduction, and predation to model a simple ecosystem.

How to Approach the Problem:

Let's break down the problem into manageable steps:

Step 1: Define Agents

Create turtle agents to represent wolves and rabbits. Define their initial properties, such as energy level, age, and reproductive capacity.

Step 2: Implement Rules

Define rules for agent movement, reproduction, and predation. Consider factors such as energy depletion over time, age-based restrictions on reproduction, and the impact of predation on energy levels.

Step 3: Model Environment

Define the environment in which the simulation takes place. Consider the boundaries of the environment and implement procedures to handle agent movement within these boundaries.

Step 4: Simulation Control

Implement controls for starting, stopping, and resetting the simulation. Include parameters to adjust the initial population sizes, reproduction rates, and predation rates.

Step 5: Testing

Test your implementation by running the simulation under various scenarios. Observe the dynamics between wolves and rabbits, ensuring that the ecosystem behaves according to the defined rules.

Let's walk through a simplified example to give you an idea. The provided NetLogo solution serves as a guide to help you implement your own solution. Understand the logic behind each step and adapt it to your programming style.

_turtles-own [

to setup
; Create wolves and rabbits with initial properties

to go
; Implement procedures for agent movement, reproduction, and predation
; Consider energy depletion, age-based reproduction limits, and predation effects


This NetLogo programming assignment provides an engaging opportunity to simulate a dynamic ecosystem. As you create the predator-prey simulation, you'll not only strengthen your NetLogo programming skills but also gain practical experience in modeling ecological systems.