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Updated by Graham Hawarth on Jan 11, 2015
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Video Curation Software

Video Maker FX - Make Videos Like The PROs - VideoMakerFX Review

VideoMakerFX -- Make Videos Like The PROs With the Most Powerful Video Creation Software - Video Maker FX VideoMakerFX This software is going to let you create those super awesome whiteboard, character explainer, promotion type videos and of course beautiful .

Magnify Is Buying Waywire To Build a Consumer-Facing Video Curation Powerhouse

New York-based video startup Magnify is in the process of acquiring Waywire, the company that Cory Booker founded, to build a consumer-facing business around the curation of videos online. The deal isn't quite done yet, but is expected to close early this week. When it closes, it will give Magni..

While content aggregation has been around for a while with sites using algorithms to find and link to content, the relatively new practice of editorial curation - human filtering and organizing - has created a new workflow and new engagement, and revenue options for publishers, brands, and communities.

Video Curation - What Is It And Why Do You Need It?

Video curation is the next big thing, and this video describes what it is and why it's the next step from regular content curation. You've probably heard and maybe done Blog Curation, this is the next step up from that.

Video Curation Tips: How to Be a Successful Web Video Curator

In the final part of my interview with web video curation expert Steve Rosenbaum, we share some recommendations for you to gather and organize rich and relevant video content from multiple sources for your website - which can improve your search visibility and link popularity, and help you be a trusted source in your area of business or professional expertise.

Tools to Help With Content Curation | Social Media Today

Curating content is less time-consuming than creating it, but it isn't any less daunting. How do you decide which stories, sources and social updates to share? Of the trillions of pages (literally!) on the web, how do you find which ones will resonate most with your audience?

Content Curation

Mashable covers the top social media news on topics like Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Twitter, Amazon, Pinterest and More.