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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Jun 09, 2024
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Geoff Neupert

Matthew Gained 10lbs, Waist Remained The Same On A 12-Week Kettlebell “Recomp” Program

I’m sharing Matthew’s results with you in case you want to see those kinds of results from your KB training but aren’t.

Should you REALLY do mobility work?

Here’s what “Training_for_Life” said over on the StrongFirst forum:
(Here’s the original post and thread if you want to check it out.)

Don’t Chase PRs. Let them Come to YOU (Here’s how)

One of the problems those of us who are athletes at heart or competitive by nature is that we turn many of the things we do, especially our workouts, into competitions. We harness our “inner 18 year old” and work for PRs (Personal Records, or Personal Bests, if you prefer) every single workout.

How Daniel 10X’d his Double Kettlebell Military Press and you can too. (Maybe)

Where you currently are, and how well you can follow The Plan, or whether you choose to make stuff up and “experiment.” At the end of the day, you could do less, the same, or maybe even more. It’s really up to you and your ability to harness the Power of Consistency.

How my client lost 10 pounds (4.5kg) last week (3 Things) #fatloss

I’m sharing this with you because if you’re like so many others, you’ve probably “tried to lose weight” only to fail in the past.

Are EMOM Kettlebell Workouts Overrated?

If you want a mix of OTM and autoregulated Swing programs, check these out.
And if you’re looking for autoregulated Clean + Press and Snatch programs, guys are loving this one.

The “GHoGH” Myth And How Brooke Did 60 Reps w/ His Old 4RM Clean + Press 😮

I think “Strong!” works great for busy guys and dads especially. The workouts clock in between 20 to 30 minutes 3x a week. And they really make you feel like you’ve “done something.”
If you fall into that category, you might want to give “Strong!” a shot.

3 Steps to Stripping off body fat AND Getting Stronger at the same time using kettlebells

Kettlebell MAXIMORUM uses single and double KB lifts.
Check it out here. 👉
If you’re not ready for double KB lifts yet?
Check out the time-tested Kettlebell Burn 2.0 here. 👉

The BEST number of Sets & Reps for YOUR Kettlebell Workouts…?

One of my private clients, packed on about 15 pounds of muscle - without trying - over the course of this past year and repeatedly PR’d his Military Press both in load and reps lifted, as well as his Front Squats, and Parallel Dips.

My “Road Trip” kettlebell workout (from my trip to Phoenix - INSIDE)

People often ask me how they can combine barbells with KBs. Or bodyweight with KBs.
That’s why I finally relented and put together the ‘BOLT ON BUNDLE’ here, where I detail how to do both.

Why “doing more work” is not the best way to measure your progress…

If strength is one of your goals, check out this program.
… Or at least not always the best way.

Why “doing more work” is not the best way to measure your progress…

I’m not going to go into deep detail here, other than to say you better have great shoulder mobility and thoracic spine mobility to perform these.
Learn More on My YouTube Channel:

Why I *typically* prefer Chins Ups to Pull Ups (and how to mix w/ kettlebells)

If you need a Swing program to combine your Chin Ups with, here are 10 you can use.
If you want other ideas of how to combine bodyweight and KB exercises into a full program, I’m thinking about releasing some old programs in the “vault” that combine the two. Click here if you’re interested in learning more.

Rethinking the “PERFECT” Kettlebell Workout Plan (3 Ingredients)

👉 [1] Single Kettlebell Skill Training Course
👉 [2] Double Kettlebell Skill Training Course
👉 [3] “Fix” Yourself Course

Rethinking the “PERFECT” Kettlebell Workout Plan (3 Ingredients) - PART 2

Today, we’re covering INGREDIENT #2, “F______,” which I’ll reveal in just a moment.
[1] Frequency.
[2] Duration = The length of your training session.
[3] Effort = How HARD, or how much energy you exert during a training session.

Young Marine broke his jaw and lost several teeth doing kettlebells - here’s how

👉 A single kettlebell technique course.
👉 A double kettlebell technique course.
👉 And a mobility and restoration system.