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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Sep 18, 2024
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Kettlebells Workouts on The YouTube

When should you stick to single Kettlebell workout programs?

[1] You can develop a fair amount of muscle from “just” power training
[2] You can get stronger from “just” power training
[3] Power training improves carbohydrate utilization and improves your health
Power is typically developed with lower reps, and higher sets, in a range of about 30-40% of your bodyweight for Swings, and, if memory serves me correctly, about 26-32% of bodyweight for Snatches.

What’s the OPTIMAL kettlebell workout duration for “BEST” results?

[1] The one that easily fits into your schedule
[2] You won’t rationalize not doing
[3] You’d feel foolish for not doing it
[4] Leaves you with more energy than you had
[5] Is repeatable
[6] Creates a “reservoir” of energy inside you so you WANT to do more
[7] Produces results

Here’s how Tony shaved 4 inches off his waist in a month using kettlebells (and you might too)...

One of the smartest things you can do to “regain your manhood” is to AGGRESSIVELY take charge of your health, and get rid of that stomach fat - PRONTO. P.S. For a limited time only, you can now get Kettlebell Burn 2.0 at a 42% discount. 👉

How to overcome disappointment from kettlebell workouts that “don’t work”

One of the simplest applications of this principle is simply changing how you perform a particular exercise. If you’ve been frustrated by your lack of progress, like variety, and are ready to see results, I think you’ll like my newest program. Grab your copy and start seeing the results you deserve from your KB workouts. 👉

What Am I Doing Wrong With My Kettlebell Workouts?

So one of the simplest ways to get stronger (along with lifting more) is learning which muscles to contract… How hard to contract them… And when to contract them…
While of course being in and maintaining the optimum position to Press. Strength, after all, is a skill.
Get this program.

Why do you NEED more muscle?

[+] Contributes to longevity
[+] Potentially reverses metabolic diseases like Syndrome X and Type 2 Diabetes
[+] Improves cellular function and mitochondrial health
[+] Increases energy demand, and therefore you expend more calorie during and after exercise
[+] Improves glucose (yummy, yummy carbohydrates!) utilization
[+] Potentially decreases joint issues

Can You Build Muscle With Kettlebell Swings? (Part #2)

Metabolic stress manifests as a result of exercise that relies on anaerobic glycolysis for ATP production, which results in the subsequent buildup of metabolites such as lactate, hydrogen ion, inorganic phosphate, creatine, and others (169,178). Muscle ischemia also has been shown to produce substantial metabolic stress, and potentially produces an additive hypertrophic effect when combined with glycolytic training (136,182).

Is “Variety” Underrated or Overrated?

It is a major training variable around which most people over 30, and especially over 40 and 50, would be smart to organize their training.
And that means some days, your KB(s) feel(s) light and your workout easy. Other days, it’s the opposite - you feel like a giant foot is grinding you into the earth, like a cigarette butt.

How “STRONG” is “Strong Enough” Using Kettlebells? [Benchmarks Inside]

You’d be a Beast if you could use a pair of 40s (2x40kg) and a single 40kg.
Admittedly, this may look like a lofty - near impossible goal from where you stand.
And that’s ok. If you need a program to help you do that, use this one.

Kettlebell Workouts that don’t trash you for work (and kids, and life) #kettlebellworkout

Give one or more of these strategies a shot today - this week even, and see if you don’t have more energy. And if you want, you can do what John did - remove the experimentation and guesswork and grab a copy of Kettlebell W.O.D.: 👉

Does “Kettlebell Cardio” Interfere With Muscle Gain? And How Would You Know?

Use the “beginner” and “intermediate” protocols found in this set of programs.
Or fully embrace autoregulation with these proven plans.
If you feel the “need” to train / workout daily, use this program.

Kettlebell Burn-SOLUTION AWARE - Chasing Strength

How many sets, reps, exercises, rest periods, days per week, and when to change these things for optimal results is downright confusing. 
Learn More On My YouTube Channel:

3 reasons good people struggle to get results with Kettlebell Workouts…

If you’re not getting the “right” effects - a.k.a. OUTCOME / RESULTS, then the “CAUSE” or the “INPUT” is… dare I say it in this day and age…
Learn More on My YouTube Videos:

Can You Build Muscle With Kettlebell Swings? (Part #1)

“It has been said that a properly executed kettlebell swing is better than 99% of all strength and conditioning exercises. I respectfully disagree. I believe it is better than 100% of all the strength and conditioning exercises - at least for 99% of all people.”

What About Doing Only Kettlebell Swings For Fat Loss...?

“In just 5 and half weeks my waistline flattened really noticeably without any major dietary changes. Shirts and jeans fit better, and other people have remarked on the improvement. This is definitely the best fat loss response I’ve had to any program, including distance running.”

3 Kettlebell Workout Ideas to Finish 2023 STRONG…

Simply grab one of these 3 “Designed For You” programs below.
[+] For the Snatch
[+] For the Clean and Press/Push Press/Jerk
[+] For the Swing

What’s "Missing" From Your Kettlebell Workouts and Programs?
And if you’re not sure about your kettlebell exercise technique?
And I’ll also leave a link for the restoration protocol works like gangbusters for the shoulders.

Fighting ‘Rocky Balboa Kettlebell Workout Mode’ Over 40

👉 Kettlebell STRONG! -
Remember Rocky III and Rocky IV? They had some of THE BEST “training montages” of ALL TIME.
“Eye of the tiger, Rock.”

The Best of Both (ALL?) Kettlebell Workout Worlds…?
If you don’t want to figure out the planning process, do what George did and grab a copy of Kettlebell MAXIMORUM.
I routinely get asked about the “best” workout or program structure.

What is “Holy Grail” KB training?

👉 My New Kettlebell Workout App:
We tend to look for workouts / workout programs - especially inside the “Kettlebell World” that are like the Holy Grail -
They “do it all” -