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Updated by Jack Manuel on Feb 03, 2015
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Best Glycolic Acid Products

Glycolic acid
Glycolic acid (or hydroxyacetic acid) is the smallest α-hydroxy acid (AHA). This colorless, odorless, and hygroscopic crystalline solid is highly soluble in water. It is used in various skin-care products. Glycolic acid is found in some sugar-crops. There are multiple routes of synthesis of glycolic acid that are practiced today.
Benefits and Risks of Glycolic Acid Skin Care Treatments
Glycolic acid is one of a group of acids known as alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA). It is found naturally in sugar cane and grapes and is commonly used in skin care treatments including acne treatment, exfoliation, and chemical peels. How glycolic acid skin care treatment works.
Glycolic Acid Skin Benefits
You may have heard about glycolic acid and the benefits that it can give your skin. A reader wrote in wanting to know more about glycolic acid, what it is and if she could make her own at home. Read on to read our advice to her.
Glycolic Acid
Glycolic Acid tips and other expert Skin & Beauty Products advice including The Best Glycolic Acid Moisturizer, The Best Glycolic Acid Peels and much more. Join typeF in promoting beauty & fashion tailored for you!