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Updated by Mo Cottrill on Jan 11, 2015
Mo Cottrill Mo Cottrill
4 items   1 followers   0 votes   33 views

Hair Loss Wigs For Women




I received this email, and requested permission to share it here, with all of you. Much thanks to "A" for writing me this incredibly amazing email and allowing me to share her story. I had gotten home one night and made a quick check of my email and saw this in my box, I felt moved, excited, touched and inspired all over again.

How to Choose a Chemotherapy Wig

For many women undergoing chemotherapy, hair loss is inevitable. We know that certain drugs are more likely to cause hair loss than others. If you are taking a chemotherapy drug known to cause this side effect, it's better to prepare sooner than later.

Improving The Lives Of Women With Cancer, One Wig At A Time

Sandy Samberg received a call several months ago from a school guidance counselor who told her about a 15-year-old student with leukemia. The student had lost her hair in treatment and her family could not afford a wig.

Shopping for a wig: alopecia areata - Health & Wellbeing

Hair loss might be something men see as inevitable, but women suffer from it too. Imagine if you started losing your hair in small round patches all over your scalp. Worse still, imagine being told that little can be done about it. For the thousands of Australians with alopecia areata, this frightening scenario is a harsh reality.