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Updated by Sakshi Parjapat on Mar 27, 2024
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Astro Pathshala is a renowned astrology institute located in Gurgaon, Sector 14, with an impressive 18+ years of experience in the field of astrology. Established as a trusted hub for learning and practicing astrology, Astro Pathshala offers a comprehensive platform for individuals interested in understanding the intricate science of astrology.

कुंडली में 12 वें भाव को ऐसे समझें | Unnecessary Expenditure | Hospitalisation | foreign Travel

कुंडली में 12 वें भाव कोस्वयं समझें | Unnecessary Expenditure | Hospitalisation | TravelASTRO PATHSHALA 😊

Learn Astrology in Delhi with AstroPathshala

The Astro Pathshala YouTube channel is your gateway to the fascinating world of astrology. Discover in-depth insights, tips, and guidance on astrology. Whether you're a beginner or an enthusiast, our channel offers valuable content. Based in Delhi, we also offer a comprehensive astrology course to help you delve deeper into the mystical realms of the stars. Subscribe now and embark on a celestial journey with us!

Join our Free Webinar🤩 on “Diwali Remedies in Astro Vastu”

Join our Free Webinar🤩 on “Diwali Remedies in Astro Vastu” with 🙏Gurudev Sunil Vashist and Shree Kamal Chandra🙏 on 5th November!! Click now and book your slot🪑. Hurry Up⏱, limited seats available!!

7-Days Workshop on 12th House Astrology with Guruji Pratap Sheel ji

💫Introducing our latest 7-Days Workshop on 🥳12th House Astrology with Guruji Pratap Sheel ji🙏.✨

गुरु के अलग-अलग भावों में फल | गुरु करेगा अन्धकार का नाश

"Various Aspects of the Guru and the Elimination of Darkness by the Guru | This YouTube video explores the significance of a spiritual guru's teachings. It delves into the different moods and their impact on the disciples, highlighting the importance of a guru's spiritual power.

Best Astrology Course in Gurgaon

In the bustling city of Gurgaon, where modernity meets tradition, the pursuit of celestial knowledge finds a home with Astro Pathshala, offering the finest astrology course in Gurgaon. As the demand for understanding cosmic influences on human life grows, enrolling in an astrology course has become increasingly popular.

Best Astrology Course in Gurgaon by Astro Pathshala

In the bustling city of Gurgaon, where modernity meets tradition, the pursuit of celestial knowledge finds a home with Astro Pathshala, offering the finest astrology course in Gurgaon. As the demand for understanding cosmic influences on human life grows, enrolling in an astrology course has become increasingly popular.

Rahu and Ketu's Influence on Your Personal and Professional Life

Dive into the realm of astrology to realize the effects of Rahu and Ketu's Mahadasha in our personal and professional lives.

Mangal Badh and Its Remedies- मंगल करावे दंगल

Our behaviour and how we treat other people is a great part of our personality. Lal Kitab is a very accurate and revealing ancient science in which Mars is among the 9 planets of our horoscope. Mars is responsible our energy, which can be either positive or negative. In Lal Kitab Astrology, when mars causes the flow of positive energy, it is known as Mangal Nek. And if Mars is the cause of negative energy, it is known as Mangal Badh (Negative Mars).

The Planet of Fortune and Luck in Lal Kitab - आपकी किस्मत का ग्रह - Astropathshala

We all have been introduced to the concept of luck, fortune, or what we call Kismat (किस्मत) in Hindi. Astrology and especially Lal Kitab has a concept of Kismat ka Grah (किस्मत का ग्रह) or a planet of fortune or luck. Today we are going to explore this planet, what it is and how we find it in our horoscopes. We will also talk about some things related to your planet of luck and fortune that you should follow to get the best results.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Saturn - जानेशनिकेलालकिताबकेउपाय - Astropathshala

Astrology is among the world’s most ancient sciences and it is deeply connected with all our lives. Among all the various concepts and varieties of astrological systems, Lal Kitab is one of the most famous and successful techniques of astrology. In all of Vedic and Lal Kitab astrology, both consider the same 9 planets that are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

Sun in Kendra Houses - सूर्य केंद्र भावों में क्या फल देगा? - Astropathshala

Ever wondered why some individuals seem to radiate confidence and charisma effortlessly, while others may struggle to find their spotlight? The answer might just lie in the placement of the Sun in their natal chart, specifically within the Kendra houses – the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses. In the intricate science of astrology, the Sun takes center stage, influencing our vitality, identity, and overall life path.

Learn the Effects of Lakshmi Yoga According to the Lal Kitab - Astropathshala

In the enlightening world of Astrology, various celestial phenomena intertwine with human destinies to build the life we lead. In this blog, we delve into the mystical realm of “Lakshmi Yoga” as interpreted by the ancient wisdom of Vedic Astrology. As a treasure trove of astrological wisdom, the Lal Kitab reveals the profound effects of planetary alignments on our lives.

Sun in Trikon Houses - त्रिकोण भावों में सूर्य देगा ये फल - Astropathshala

Welcome to our astrological journey where we unravel the cosmic mysteries surrounding the radiant Sun as it takes residence in the Trikon houses. In Vedic astrology, the placement of planets in specific houses holds significant importance, shaping the unique characteristics and influences they bestow upon individuals. Today, our focus turns to the Sun, the radiant celestial body, and its effects when positioned in the Trikon Houses – the 1st, 5th, and 9th houses.

Significance of Lal Kitab and Its Remedies in Vedic Astrology - Astropathshala

Significance of Lal Kitab and Its Remedies in Vedic Astrology The realm of astrology is a fascinating one filled with ancient secrets no one has been able to solve. Lal Kitab is among the most popular branches of astrology and its powerful remedies are suggested by all astrologers. Astrology has long captivated human curiosity

In the realm of mysticism and ancient practices, palmistry stands as one of the most captivating and intriguing arts. Astro Pathshala, a renowned institute specializing in astrology and metaphysical sciences, presents a comprehensive Palm Reading Course aimed at unraveling the mysteries held within the palms of our hands.

Numerology, an ancient and mystical practice, is the study of the significance of numbers and their influence on human life.

The Importance of 10th House in Vedic Jyotish | 10th House Planets | Vedic Astrology | दशम भाव

Delve into the profound world of Vedic Jyotish (astrology) as we explore the significance of the 10th house in this ancient and revered tradition.

धन भाव | आपके जीवन में कौन से भाव से आएगा धन | जाने आप कितना धन कमा सकते है ? #money

In this enlightening video, we delve into the intricate world of Dhan Bhav, exploring the fascinating connection between your emotions and financial abundance. Our expert astrologers will decode the cosmic energies that influence your wealth prospects and reveal which emotions are likely to attract prosperity into your life.

Decoding the Mysteries of Nakshatras - Ashwini Nakshatra - Astropathshala

In this guide, we will explore what Nakshatras are all about, why they matter, the different types, and what is Ashwini Nakshatra.

Exploring Bharani Nakshatra: A Journey Through Astrology - Astropathshala

Discover the secrets of the Bharani Nakshatra. Learn the symbolism and divine characteristics of this powerful star from Hindu astrology.

स्वयं कुंडली कैसे देखें | खुदकी कुंडली कैसे पढ़े? Detailed Analysis of Kundali | Vedic Astrology

इस वीडियो में, हम सीखेंगे कि स्वयं कुंडली कैसे देखी जाए और खुद की कुंडली कैसे पढ़ी जाए। ज्योतिष विज्ञान में एक कुंडली का महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है जो हमें हमारे जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं को समझने में मदद करता है।

कुंडली मे बलवान भावों को समझने का सरल तरीका | बलवान भाव के फल | Miracle of Astrology

अपनी कुंडली में छिपे रहस्यों को खोलें जैसे हम मजबूत घरों के महत्व को अन्यथा और उनके प्रभावशाली परिणामों को समझते हैं। ज्योतिष के रहस्यों को सुलझाने के लिए आइए, और यह जानें कि इन मजबूत घरों का आपके जीवन पर कैसा प्रभाव है।

Exploring Ashwini Nakshatra: Characteristics, Rashi, and Compatibility

In the vast and intricate tapestry of Vedic astrology, the concept of Nakshatras holds significant importance. Ashwini Nakshatra, the first among the 27 Nakshatras, is regarded with great reverence and fascination by astrologers and enthusiasts alike. Let's delve into the depths of Ashwini Nakshatra to understand its characteristics, its association with specific Rashis, and its compatibility with other Nakshatras.

Unveiling Bharani Nakshatra: Traits, Rashi, and Compatibility

In the celestial symphony of Vedic astrology, Bharani Nakshatra occupies a significant place, weaving its intricate patterns of influence over those born under its celestial canopy. Let's embark on a journey to uncover the essence of Bharani Nakshatra – its defining characteristics, its association with specific Rashis, and its compatibility with other Nakshatras.