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Updated by Wayne Hope on Jan 13, 2015
Wayne Hope Wayne Hope
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Best Rowing Machines Home Use

20-Minute Total Body Rowing Workout

Looking for a cardio workout that can double as your strength training routine? This 20-minute rowing machine workout plan gives you a total body workout and burns 50 percent more calories than the elliptical.

Interval Training on the Rowing Ergometer

Strength athletes typically eschew cardio machines, but the rowing machine deserves your attention. * If you don't have any glaring back, hip, or postural contraindications, the rower can help you crank up your conditioning while sparing your lower body. * There are a variety of workouts you can use with the rowing machine, with varying degrees of difficulty.

Rowing Machine Workout Plan

A rowing machine offers an excellent all-around workout. Not only does it provide an excellent cardiovascular exercise, but it also involves strength and resistance training in your arms, shoulders, legs, hips and core as you go through the rowing motion. The rowing machine is low-impact and it is less likely to lead to injuries associated with som...

Blast Fat with Exercise Machines: Rowing Machine

Your exercise machine workout doesn't have to be a road-or row-to nowhere. Try our guide to the five most popular exercise machines, with a high-intensity 20-minute workout geared for each.