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Updated by Jack Manuel on Feb 05, 2015
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Compare Point Shoot Cameras

SLR Cameras vs. Point-and-Shoot
There are two types of consumer film cameras on the market -- SLR cameras and "point-and-shoot" cameras. The main difference is how the photographer sees the scene. In a point-and-shoot camera, the viewfinder is a simple window through the body of the camera.
Point-and-shoot camera
A point-and-shoot camera, also called a compact camera, is a still camera designed primarily for simple operation. Most use focus free lenses or autofocus for focusing, automatic systems for setting the exposure options, and have flash units built in. Point-and-shoots are by far the best selling type of separate camera, as distinct from camera phones.
Should you buy a DSLR or point-and-shoot camera?
With the DSLR prices falling and the point-and-shoot cameras improving their performance, it's becoming difficult to make a choice. ET lists the benefits and drawbacks of each to help you take an informed decision. Pros Cons Image quality A DSLR always gives better quality of pictures than a point-and-shoot.
Point, shoot, collapse: Why big camera companies are the next BlackBerry
Sometime last year, a once unthinkable trend began to manifest itself among camera retailers worldwide. The next generation of digital music distributors - Rdio, Songza, Pandora, Spotify and so on - are promising to put every song ever in a user's pocket. But it might take years to see whether their services will be lucrative Continue reading.