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Updated by magnusloev on Sep 19, 2023
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12 things you could do to your house today

Renovating your house can be a daunting task, but here are 12 smaller things you could start today to improve your home


Create a Herb Garden:

An herb garden doesn't require much space and can provide you with fresh herbs year-round. Choose a sunny spot in your garden, designate a suitable area, and select a variety of your favorite herbs like basil, parsley, rosemary, and thyme. Ensure good drainage and regular watering to keep your herb garden healthy. You can find more ideas on, where we cover everything about the house and garden.


Build a Composting System:

Reuse your kitchen and garden waste by setting up a simple composting system. Start with a compost pile or consider investing in a compost bin to make the process more organized. Ensure a balance of green and brown materials to achieve rich compost that can enhance your soil quality.


Construct a Bird Feeding Station:

Make your garden more inviting to birds by creating a custom bird feeding station. You can build a basic station using wooden boards and hooks to hang birdseed and bird treats. Place it where you can easily observe the birds as they visit your garden.


Paint a Room:

A fresh coat of paint can transform a room and give it a new feel. Before you begin, make sure to prepare the surfaces by removing any old wallpaper or paint residue and filling in any holes or cracks. Choose colors that match your personal style and the mood you want to create in the room. Use high-quality paint and painting tools for a professional result.


Update Your Bathroom:

Replacing elements in your bathroom can give it an entirely new look. You can start by replacing the showerhead with a modern, water-saving model. Upgrade your toilet seat to a comfortable and stylish version. If your budget allows, consider replacing fixtures and washbasins to create a more cohesive aesthetic.


Create Storage Solutions:

Organization is key to a well-functioning home. Build shelves in the kitchen or living room to create extra storage space for books, decorations, or cookware. In the closet, install shoe racks, hooks, or shelf units to maximize storage capacity. Utilize space under the bed or in closets for concealed storage boxes for clothing, shoes, or seasonal equipment.


Replace Light Bulbs:

Replacing light bulbs is an easy task that can improve the lighting in your home and save you money on your electricity bill. Choose energy-efficient LED bulbs that have a longer lifespan than traditional incandescent bulbs.


Patch Small Holes in Walls:

Over time, your walls may get damaged from furniture or everyday use. Use spackle and sandpaper to repair small holes, scratches, or cracks in the walls. Once the repair is dry, paint over the area to match the wall color.


Clean Gutters and Drains:

Prevent water damage by regularly cleaning gutters and drains of leaves, debris, and any clogs. Use a gutter cleaning brush or a garden hose with a high-pressure nozzle for this task.


Install Weather Stripping:

Improve energy efficiency in your home by installing weather stripping around doors and windows. This helps prevent heat loss during the winter and keeps your home cooler in the summer. Choose weather stripping that fits snugly and install it properly for the best results.