Listly by Bob Dunn
This is a list of plugins specifically for the WordPress Genesis framework that I have used and found helpful, or have been recommended to me.
Introducing a New Way to Style Genesis Themes
You purchased the Genesis Framework because you heard it was awesome, and it is. But then you discovered that to change your "look" you'd need to write some code. Well, guess what? Now you don't need to.
We can guarantee you two things: you'll do it on your own, and you won't have to write code.
This plugin adds a section to the Genesis Theme Settings page where users can enter HTML to output in the site footer in place of the default Genesis footer credits.
Do More With The GENESIS Framework Create Limitless Custom Content Areas For Total Site-Structure Control. Tweak The Styles Of Your Genesis Child Theme In Real-Time! Create totally Custom "CMS Style" Static Homepage designs in minutes! Genesis Extender Is Feature Rich Yet Light On Your Server. Genesis Extender Works With ALL Genesis Child Themes!
This plugin removes the Genesis child theme style sheet and reloads it at a later priority, allowing plugin style sheets to load first. By loading the child theme style sheet later, it allows for easier CSS customizations in child theme as the child theme style sheet trumps plugin styles without using the !important declaration.
FINALLY: Add a Widgetized Homepage to Your Prose Child Theme Finally have a homepage template for Prose that's widgetized! Plus, it works with Prose 1.5+ auto update system, that means, you don't lose your home template/ widget stuff when performing these sweet auto updates!
This plugin allows you to assign WordPress navigation menus to the secondary navigation menu within the Genesis Theme Framework on a per post, per page, or per tag/category archive basis. The per post, page, category or tag setting overrides whatever menu setting you have in your Genesis Theme setting.
We all know that sometimes 404 Errors happen on our sites. And sometimes users search but get no results. I believe it's better to serve users some highly customized and maintained pages/content areas for these cases. What better to do that with Widgets in WordPress?
Genesis Simple Comments adds a new menu item to the Genesis menu allowing for easy changes to the Genesis Comments including:
Creating widget areas programmatically, then using conditional logic to properly assign them to sidebar locations can be a complex task for a beginner. This plugin allows you to do all this from a simple administration menu, and assign widget areas to sidebar locations with simple drop-down menus within the post/page edit screens, or when editing a tag or category.
With this lightweight plugin for the popular Genesis Framework you can very easily modify the (registered) default layouts for homepage, singular pages (for posts and pages), various archive sections, author pages, attachment pages, search results pages, the 404 page - all done via a new theme options page.
This plugin replaces WooCommerce's built-in shop templates with its own Genesis-ready versions, specifically the single-product.php, archive-product.php and taxonomy.php templates needed to display the single product page, the main shop page, and Product Category and Product Tag archive pages.
Having a Performance Optimized WordPress website directly affects your Search Engine Rankings. Google started to care about Loading Time of a website since 2010. When you use lot of Social Sharing Buttons with Counters, it creates a High Influence on to your Website Loading Time.
WordPress plugin that adds per-entry options for breadcrumbs when a Genesis child theme is active. Project maintained by Hosted on GitHub Pages - Theme by GaryJones mattgraham WordPress plugin that adds per-entry options for breadcrumbs when a Genesis child theme is active.
This plugin translates your Genesis powered WordPress site easily with one of the available languages. No need to fuss about with your functions.php file or uploading .mo and .po files. Just install this plugin et voilá!
Note: This plugin only supports Genesis child themes. If you don't know what that is, don't download this plugin. Genesis Bootstrap Carousel (GBC) allows you to create a simple responsive image carousel that displays the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post.
Backup or Transfer Settings Finally, not only do backups or transfers of Genesis core settings but also hook in official & third-party plugins plus some child themes. Especially useful for developers to speed up their work! A great helper tool for Genesis child themes plus Genesis-specific plugins with their own extra settings!
Based on this blog post from Brian Gardner, display the Genesis framework affiliate box on posts or pages, or anywhere using a PHP function. Genesis is a framework for WordPress for developing and maintaining modern and beautiful websites. Studiopress (the company that makes Genesis) affiliates can earn commission on every referral.
Genesis Simple Breadcrumbs adds a new menu item to the Genesis menu allowing for easy changes to the Genesis Breadcrumbs including: Home text Breadcrumb separator List Separator Breadcrumb Wrap (prefix) Breadcrumb Wrap (suffix) Default Labels and more This plugin requires the Genesis Theme Framework
Optimized: Saves You Printing Ink & Paper :) This small and lightweight plugin adds a printer-ready stylesheet file (print.css / print-html5.css) for the Genesis Framework and its currently active child theme. Any unneeded site elements will be removed, such as main and sub navigation bar, sidebar, footer widgets, form input fields to name a few.
Once a tool for myself the Genesis Visual Hook guide has slowly evolved into what it is today. I finally welcome the plugin version of the popular Visual Genesis Hooks and Filters Guide from Genesis Tutorials. Once installed this plugin adds a drop down menu to the admin bar to select between three views (Hook, Filter, and Markup).
Every have trouble adding your logo to Genesis Child Themes? This is a simple plugin that will allow you to upload your logo on any Genesis Theme with ease!! How It Works Here's a quick video of how it works and what it does. (Sorry, there's no audio).
bbPress and the Genesis Framework are both fantastic additions to any WordPress site. However, depending on your setup they don't always play nice right away. bbPress Genesis Extend does some behind-the-scenes tweaks and fixes to make bbPress/Genesis integration as quick and painless as possible.
GenesisConnect for BuddyPress is designed to adds support for BuddyPress to any Genesis child theme. Requires Genesis 1.8.1 or greater and BuddyPress 1.7 or greater.
Optimized Display plus Bonus Features This plugin provides optimized templates for the 'download' Custom Post Type of the Easy Digital Downloads plugin for the use with Genesis Framework and Child Themes.
It includes options for the maximum dimensions of your slideshow, allows you to choose to display posts or pages, what category to pull from, and even the specific post IDs of the posts you want to display. It includes next/previous arrows and a pager along with the option to turn both on or off.