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Updated by gretzpaat0 on Oct 16, 2023
gretzpaat0 gretzpaat0
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The World Is Shrinking: Cultural Diversity In The Workplace

Australia has been a popular destination for many migrants. This has led to having an incredibly rich multicultural society, as well as a diverse labour force. Read more.

Labour Hire Industry: Growth In Australia | Workfast

Employers are increasingly outsourcing the recruitment process and looking towards labour hire agencies to find workers for them. Three labour hire trends.

Improving Safety on Building & Construction Sites

"In light of the tragic incidents that have occurred on construction sites across Australia, issues surrounding safety in the industry have come to the forefront. Construction sites, by nature, are quite hazardous as they often involve heavy lifting, manual labour, the use of tools and heavy machinery, presence of debris, and so on. "

Road Works In Australia: Vital Infrastructure Connecting Communities

Road Works In Australia is due to the importance of roads and the irreplaceable value that they bring to society and the economy of the country.

Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport Railway, labour hire and recruitment for the rail industry

"Chosen through a meticulous process, the Parklife Metro consortium has been entrusted with executing the comprehensive Stations, Systems, Trains, Operations, and Maintenance (SSTOM) contract for the collaborative undertaking of the Australian and New South Wales governments. "

FIFO Mining Jobs: Benefits for Employer and Employee

One type of employment situation prevalent in mining companies, are FIFO mining jobs. FIFO, which stands for 'Fly In Fly Out', refers to the common hiring practice used by mining companies where they temporarily fly out workers to the work site, just for the duration of their roster. This is done instead of separating workers from their families for extended periods of time, or permanently relocating employees and their families closer to the mine.

Growth of Sustainable Practices In The Construction Industry

"In the Australian construction industry, there are rising trends that are paving the way for a more eco-friendly way of doing business. Here are a few examples of the growth of sustainable practices in the construction industry:" Reference: