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Updated by Sunfox Technologies on Jul 12, 2024
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Spandan Pro

Spandan Pro is a 12-Lead portable ECG device specially designed for cardiologists, general practitioners, and healthcare professionals. It is the perfect ECG machine for clinics. This cutting-edge ECG monitor features auto-switching leads that are AI-operated, eliminating the need to manually adjust the leads, speeding up the ECG process. With advanced medical features, Spandan Pro portable ECG machine maintains compatibility with standard ECG machines, providing precise results with 99.7% accuracy. This 12-Lead ECG machine can access the Goldberger ECG system as an alternative to the standard ECG system. It takes only 1.3 minutes to conduct a 12-Lead ECG test and captures highly filtered and refined ECG traces. It offers advanced medical-grade ECG tests such as 12 Lead, Lead 2, Hyperkalemia, Live ECG and HRV.


Introducing Spandan Pro

Introducing Spandan Pro

Spandan Pro- the future of 12-lead ECG unleashed in a cord, is developed especially for cardiologists, general practitioners, and healthcare professionals. It is going to revolutionize medical practice for cardiologists all over the world. It is integrated with the Goldberger ECG system, which is an alternative to the standard ECG system. This device boasts automatic lead-switching, where its cables self-adjust and eliminating human errors in lead selections.


Spandan Pro: Best ECG Device for Healthcare Professionals

Spandan Pro: Best ECG Device for Healthcare Professionals

Spandan Pro offers Medical-Grade ECG tests like 12 Lead, Lead 2, Hyperkalemia test, Live ECG and HRV. 12 Lead test detects blockages and symptoms of a heart attack, Hyperkalemia test involves checking the elevated levels of potassium in the blood, Lead 2 checks various patterns of arrhythmia, Live ECG offers real-time monitoring of the heart rhythm, and HRV tracks stress and anxiety levels. It requires no manual intervention, eliminating human errors in lead selections.


Cough and Cold increasing Heart Rate

Cough and Cold increasing Heart Rate

Cough and cold increasing Heart rate? It's usually immune response & coughing effort, but check for very fast/irregular heartbeat, chest pain, or shortness of breath - then see a doctor!

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If ECG is normal is my heart ok?

Is ECG is normal is my heart Ok? No, not quite? Why so? ECG is not foolproof, learn elaborate information in this blog.

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AstraZeneca admits rare Blood Clot Risk with Covishield Vaccine 

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Covishield Causes Heart Attack? Myth or Fact?

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Decoding Relative Bradycardia: Heart’s Rhythmic Balance

Relative bradycardia is one of the more important bradycardias which is associated with the temperature of the body. Learn more about it here.

Does the Heart stops while sneezing?

Does the heart stop while sneezing? No, it is merely a myth. We have expanded on this wrong notion in this blog.

Fetal bradycardia, which refers to a slower heart rate in the developing fetus (typically below 110 bpm), indicates possible pregnancy complications such as fetal distress, umbilical cord problems, maternal health issues, or medication influences.

Heart Line: Navigating Your Path to Wellness

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Deciphering Junctional Bradycardia: Insights & Implications

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What is the Internal Structure of the Human Heart?

Want to learn about the internal structure of the human heart; it consists of valves, blood vessels, and a septum. Learn more in this blog.

What is the meaning of Feeble Pulse ?

Feeble pulse is characterized by a the feeling of low pulse and fainting. More details about the phenomenon in this blog.

Which Organ pumps Blood to all parts of the Body?

Which Organ pumps Blood to all parts of the Body? The answer is simple- heart. This 250-350 gram wonder pumps blood to each part of the body.

Cardiac Arrest Vs Heart Attack

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What are the Right Heart Failure Symptoms?

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Heart Health Insight: Angiogram heart test Explained

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What are the Heart Cancer Symptoms? 

Heart Cancer is the rarest of rare conditions characterized blood clots surrounding the heart and heart cancer symptoms are even rarer. Learn more here.