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Updated by investkraft on Sep 07, 2023
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InvestKraft - Empowering Your Financial Future

we understand that financial decisions play a pivotal role in shaping your future. That's why we offer a comprehensive suite of services to empower you on your financial journey. Whether you're looking to realize your dream of owning a home, funding medical expenses, growing your wealth through smart investments, or securing your funds with fixed deposits, we have you covered.

7 Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds In 2023

Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds, Among various investment channels available today among investors, mutual funds emerge at the top due to numerous reasons.

Investkraft Financial Solutions: Mutual Funds, Deposits, Loans & More

Types of Fixed Deposits, For ages, fixed deposits have been considered a time-tested investment tool to get guaranteed returns on investment. Despite the fact that their interest rate is plummeting every year, people are inclined toward them due to several reasons.

When it comes to buying a home of any sort, the simplest and fastest way to arrange funds is to secure a home loan which is now available at much more reasonable rates. Since buying a home involved a large sum of money, not everyone has that much funds ready for payment.

Investkraft Financial Solutions: Mutual Funds, Deposits, Loans & More

Why Choose Medical Loan In Health Emergency? In most cases, medical emergencies occur without any notification. You might have heard of people encountering heart attacks, road accidents, paralysis attacks, and several other health issues where the only option left for caregivers is to get medical support urgently.

Investkraft Financial Solutions: Mutual Funds, Deposits, Loans & More

Medical Emergency Loan, With the rising costs of medical procedures around the world, it has become really difficult to manage their healthcare expenses out of their savings and health insurance.

Investkraft Financial Solutions: Mutual Funds, Deposits, Loans & More

Types Of Returns In Mutual Funds, In recent times, mutual funds are considered among the top investment options among people of all sorts.

Investkraft Financial Solutions: Mutual Funds, Deposits, Loans & More

What Are ELSS Funds? ELSS stands for Equity Linked Savings Scheme. Put simply, the funds covered in this type of scheme are equity funds that invest the money in equity and equity-associated investment tools.

Investkraft Financial Solutions: Mutual Funds, Deposits, Loans & More

How To Calculate EMI In Advance And EMI In Arrears? In the field of loans, the borrowed amount is primarily repaid in the form of a monthly payout which is known as Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI). These installments are paid by the borrower for a fixed period of time that is decided at the time of loan application and approval.

Investkraft Financial Solutions: Mutual Funds, Deposits, Loans & More

What Is A Loan Against Property? A loan against property is a secured loan offered by banks and other financial institutions in which borrowers pledge property as a security against the borrowed amount.

What Are Corporate FDs And How Different Are They From Bank FDs In 2023

What Are Corporate FDs? How Different Are They From Bank FDs? Fixed Deposits have always been a favorable investment option among investors who look forward to consistent returns over a period.

What You Should Know Before You Invest in Mutual Funds

Investing in mutual funds can be a wise financial decision, but it's essential to be well-informed before you take the plunge.