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Updated by social-hosting-services on Aug 29, 2023
Headline for Knowledge Base Social Networking Platforms, Tools and Software
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Knowledge Base Social Networking Platforms, Tools and Software

Social Networking Services are best defined as an online vehicle for creating relationships with other people based on their shared interests, background, goals, tastes, and actual real-life connections.
Features like groups, photos, files, messages and many many more to makes your social network perfect!
Connecting with other people, businesses and organizations can be a crucial component of a business success or individual career advancement.
Family members and friends do not always live in the same city. Social media platforms are quick and convenient ways for loved ones to stay in touch.

Showcase :

Elgg is a highly customizable web framework and CMS for building social apps with PHP and MySQL


Elgg 4

Elgg 4

Elgg empowers individuals, groups and institutions to create their own fully-featured social environment. Elgg, started in 2004, is an open source social engine which powers all kinds of social environments - from education and business to martial arts and rugby. If you are looking for a professional social intranet or want to run a site for your organisation, Elgg is a great choice.

What is the Best Self-Hosted Social Networking Programs or Apps?

Social media is among the most effective marketing methods that any business can use. But not all social media outlets are created the same. Each app has a particular set of people with their own quirks as to how they interact with content. Businesses need to be aware of these nuances when deciding to invest in this type of marketing platforms since it could impact how well their business is viewed.

Social Networking Website Hosting Services

Since our launch in 1997, we have had a strong focus on providing the latest and best versions of the most popular development software. A short list of the development software available includes: PHP, MySQL, HTML, XHTML, Java, PostgreSQL, Python, PERL, Apache, Node.js, CSS, FTP/SFTP, cPanel, Softaculous, SSL, and Free SSL. Coding or Script Libraries Available with all RSH Web Hosting Accounts.

Elgg 4 Videos - Bing video

Elgg 4 Videos - Bing video

Elgg Documentation (master)
Elgg (pronunciation) is an open source rapid development framework for socially aware web applications. It is a great fit for building any app where users log in and share information

Introducing a powerful open source social networking engine

Elgg is an award-winning open source social networking engine that provides a robust framework on which to build all kinds of social environments, from a campus wide social network for your university, school or college or an internal collaborative platform for your organization through to a brand-building communications tool for your company and its clients.

Elgg 4 Social Networking Website Hosting Services

Elgg 4 Social Networking Features Include
• media
• Files
• The wire
• Pages
• External pages
• Dashboard
• Social bookmarking
• Categories
• High Speed SSD Storage included
• Secure SSL Certificates included (HTTPS)


Hubzilla is a powerful platform for creating interconnected websites featuring a decentralized identity, communications, and permissions framework built using common webserver technology.

hubzilla / hubzilla-website · GitLab

Hubzilla Project Website
This repo contains the Hubzilla project webpage elements, which can be imported using the website import tool. After importing the elements, you can visit https://your.hub/page/your_channel/hubzilla-project to view the website.

hubzilla · GitLab

Hubzilla contains some social network bits, some cloud storage bits, some blog and forum bits, and some content management bits. These are all integrated within a common privacy framework - and it is all decentralised.
Official addons for Hubzilla

Hubzilla Social Networking Website Hosting Services

Hubzilla Social Networking Features Include
• Hubzlla is extensible
• Webpage toolkit
• Social networking
• Themes
• Coordinate and share calendar events
• High Speed SSD Storage included
• Secure SSL Certificates included (HTTPS)




UNA is a Community Management System for building and running modern social websites. UNA (United Networking Applications) is a customizable open-source social networking platform. Every component module, tool, template or language is treated as an “app”. Apps control customization of design and navigation; the addition of new features and integration of 3rd-party APIs; site monitoring and configuration; permissions and database structure setup

una Discussions

Here is some magic straight from #unalab ... Watch carefully and consider the potential. 😁Hint: it's bigger than any other feature we have ever added 🤓

una Articles

How to change categories in content apps?
Question: How do I change names of categories in Polls, Posts, Albums, Articles, etc.? Editing data items in UNA forms. UNA platform and UNA Apps feature various forms, which have fields pre-populated with data items. For example, Polls app has "Categories" field, with default options like "Pets"

UNA.IO | Community Management System

One platform. Unlimited potential.
With UNA content management, collaboration, e-commerce, learning and communication tools you can create communities of all types—from small interest groups to global social media networks.

UNA Social Networking Website Hosting Services

UNA Social Networking Features Include
• Dashboard
• Settings
• Storage
• Designer
• Pages
• Forms
• Polyglot
• Navigation
• Permissions
• Accounts
• High Speed SSD Storage included
• Secure SSL Certificates included (HTTPS)




HumHub is a free social network software and framework built to give you the tools to make communication and collaboration easy and successful. It's lightweight, powerful and comes with an user-friendly interface. With your own customized Domain Name and HumHub you can create your own customized social network, social intranet or huge social enterprise application that really fits your needs.

HumHub - Bing video

HumHub - Bing video

HumHub Documentation | HumHub Documentation

Get to know the HumHub platform. This guide serves as brief overview of the platform and its basic concepts. Find out whether or not HumHub fits your needs.
Make your first steps by setting up HumHub. Although the installation of HumHub is quite simple, it offers many configuration options to meet the needs of your network.
HumHub brings the tools to customize the look and feel of your platform. Learn more about the available theming techniques of HumHub.

HumHub - The flexible Open Source Social Network Kit for Collaboration

HumHub is a free social network software and framework built to give you the tools to make communication and collaboration easy and successful. It's lightweight, powerful and comes with an user-friendly interface. With HumHub you can create your own customized social network, social intranet or huge social enterprise application that really fits your needs.

HumHub Social Networking Website Hosting Services

HumHub Social Networking Features Include
• High Speed SSD Storage included
• Secure SSL Certificates included (HTTPS)




Photo Albums
Captcha Support
Saved Searches
Profile Search
Advanced Mailbox System
User Preferences
Member Networks
Block Member

You are viewing the Demo of Etano | Note : File uploads are disabled on demos server for security reasons Please mail your feedback at demos[at]softaculous[dot]com




Etano can be used to start up a dating site, a social networking site, a classifieds site or any other type of site involving groups of people, companies, products. You can add it easily to your website hosting account with just a few clicks.