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Updated by Naacllc KP on Apr 14, 2024
Naacllc KP Naacllc KP
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Construction Companies in Iraq, Basra, Erbil | Camp Construction Management at Rumaila

NAAC is the leading construction Companies in Iraq, Basra, Erbil, Rumaila. Our team specializes in camp construction management, e-house maintenance and oil and gas.

Construction Companies in Iraq, Basra, Erbil | Camp Construction Management at Rumaila

NAAC is the leading construction Companies in Iraq, Basra, Erbil, Rumaila. Our team specializes in camp construction management, e-house maintenance and oil and gas.

Civil Infrastructures Company Rumaila, Basra Iraq, Solid Waste Management Companies in Iraq

NAAC one of best Civil Infrastructures Company in Rumaila. We are the well-experienced Industrial civil contractors and infrastructure in Basra Iraq, Rumaila, Solid Waste Management Companies in Iraq. Provide top-quality, individualized services according to your needs.

Life Support, Catering, Housekeeping, Laundry Service in Basra, Iraq, Erbil, Rumaila, Baghdad

NAAC is one of the leading companies in Life Support, Catering Services, Housekeeping Services, Cleaning Services and Laundry Service in Basra, Iraq, Erbil, Rumaila, Baghdad.

Electrical House Maintenance Services Rumaila | Technical Support Services

Electrical House Maintenance Service Providers in Rumaila, Basra Iraq. NACC provides total maintenance service as per customer requirement. We guarantee our professional commitment to excellence and safety.

Best Trading Logistics & Supplies Company in Rumaila, Basra Iraq

For over two decades, NAAC is one of the leading Trading Logistics Company in Rumaila, Basra Iraq. NAAC is capable of Sourcing and supplying customers timely requirements within reasonable time and cost.

Consulting Services in Basra Iraq, Rumaila, Baghdad | NAAC

If you are looking for a Consulting Services in Basra Iraq, Rumaila, Baghdad. NAAC is providing Various Areas of Consultancy Services in Iraq.

About Us - NAAC

NAAC is a unit of ASC group of companies operating in the country, IRAQ. NAAC is developing the market share in MENA Region.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Customized Containers in Iraq - NAAC

Customized containers have gained popularity as innovative and sustainable solutions for various applications, including office spaces and homes.

Transition Studies of Green Facility Management in Rig Site Camps - Promoting Sustainability at NAAC - NAAC

Welcome to NAAC, a leading provider of green facility management solutions for rig site camps. We understand the importance of sustainable practices in the oil and gas industry and are committed to helping our clients transition to environmentally friendly operations. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of green facility management in rig site camps, highlight sustainable practices, and discuss our approach to promoting sustainability.

Thermal performance in Customized living Container accommodation & Office facilities - NAAC

"Remotely operated living accommodation and office facilities containers are typically constructed from high-grade steel and equipped with insulation and HVAC systems to provide a comfortable living and office environment. NAAC customizes accommodation and office facility containers to meet the specific design requirements of each project, including ensuite facilities and options for single or multiple occupancy.