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Updated by Lee Murray on Feb 23, 2015
Lee Murray Lee Murray
4 items   1 followers   0 votes   2 views

Correct Vision Without Glasses

Vision Without Glasses - How to Improve Your Vision Naturally

Dear Friend, After more than 25 years in the ophthalmology business I ironically had to lose an eye to be able to see the obvious... I was NOT really helping people, but rather just covering up the deeper problem. One day I discovered the work of Dr. W.H.

Do Eyesight Improvement Exercises Work? My review

Is it really possible to correct eyesight naturally with eye exercises? In my experience and from the results I've seen in others, it is. I've created this page to tell the story of how I turned my -4D prescription into almost perfect 20/20 vision on both eyes... in less than two months.

Vision Science at UC Berkeley

Vision is one of the most valuable sensory modalities. It is also the source of a rich array of research questions relating to how we see, how and why vision fails, and what can be done about it.

How to Improve Your Eyesight

Edited by Sondra C, WikiBunny, Jono, Avatar33 and 46 others Improving your eyesight takes dedication. You can try these tips to achieve this goal. Learn about how vision works. This way, you can understand what you are doing when you are retraining your vision.