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Updated by ondezx on Jun 29, 2023
ondezx ondezx
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How to use research-topics to desire

Researchers identify a research question, and they design and conduct research to find answers or solutions. Research topics depend on the field of study, the relevance of the subject matter, available data, and gaps in current knowledge. Adequate research can help generate new knowledge, provide solutions to problems, and help make informed decisions.

Research Topics

Finding a unique research topic can be challenging, instead pick a published article where you may encounter many new results in this modern world.

Anna University Annexure Journal

All the articles in Anna University Annexure 1 should have the scope in the modern era and the plagiarism must be below 10% to ensure your paper acceptance.

Format your PhD Thesis writing as per the university guidelines.

Thesis Writing must include Title page, Abstract, Table of contents, List of Figures, Introduction, Methods, Discussion, Conclusions & Acknowledgements.

#1 Dissertation topics and writing assistance | Process Explanation

Develop a topic that tingles your interest, gather every information you can on the subject, create a foundational & theoretical basis to support your topic

Research paper |Writing-editing |Research paper format

A research paper is considered an intellectual piece of academic writing by an individual. The interpretation and arguments are based on in-depth research.