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Updated by Gina Brewton on Nov 25, 2017
Gina Brewton Gina Brewton
9 items   2 followers   2 votes   29 views

Home Improvement

Various pages sharing cleaning tips,interior and exterior home improvement...
Carpet Cleaning 101
Take a good look at your carpets. After a long and fabulous summer of bare feet and busy traffic, they're probably looking a little, if not a lot, worn.
Home Brew, Bread Making and Junk Removal

For Father's Day 2012, my wife and kids bought me a home brewing kit. I thought it was the perfect gift. I loved beer and the technical aspects of making it. I was going to make it my hobby and spend lots of time experimenting with various styles.

Ready or Not? Prepping the Front Hall for Winter

Autumn is almost behind us but is your front hallway ready for the onslaught of winter? Once your family starts wearing cold weather gear, the front hallway will fill-up with boots, scarves and gloves everywhere. It's important to de-clutter and reorganize now so that it's easier to keep the space clean.

Teach your Children Well - 10 Steps to a Clean Toilet

It's really never too soon to teach children about being clean in the washroom. Everyone in the family should have a turn at cleaning the toilet, which should be cleaned at least once a week. Here's how MOLLY MAID cleaning services leave it clean and shiny - in 10 easy steps.

How Often Do You Need To Change The HEPA Filter In Your Vacuum?

A HEPA filter system can be a critical piece of technology within the average North American home and workspace. It can be used within vacuum cleaners to protect those within the property and to ensure that all elements inside remain free of airborne contaminants.

Six Signs Of A Quality Mattress | CT Canada Mattress

Nobody disputes the importance of getting a good night's rest, but what are the factors that go into that? There are a number of varieties that play a role such as lighting, room temperature, noise level, and your internal state. But what about the quality of your mattress?

6 Things You Need To Stock Up On

Planning a party at your house requires more than putting together the music playlist and menu theme. You can bet your bottom dollar that at some point in time your guests will need to use your bathroom, and this means that you should do a little bit of preparation beforehand to accommodate the people who will need to use this area of the house.

4 Upgrades you can Make to your Office Décor

Ready to join the home décor big leagues? While every expert will tell you to dress for the job you want, not the job you have, we'd like to add a twist: decorate for the clients you want! Whether you occasionally entertain clients or even just talk to them over video chat, a well-decorated office projects the sense of success and professionalism.

Kids Safety At Home: What Your Children Need To Know

Our families are cornerstones of our lives and their protection is of the utmost importance. This especially rings true in regards to our children. While we do what we can to ensure their safety at all times, there is more we can do to keep them safe.