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Updated by Howard Lake on Sep 11, 2024
Howard Lake Howard Lake
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Charity campaigns that hijack the months of the year

A list of charity campaigns that play with the names of the months.



Manuary™ is a yearly event raising awareness towards head and neck cancer. Manuary™ participants grow a beard for the month of January partaking in the "Beard Growing Challenge" receiving donations in support to fund a cure.

Veganuary - go vegan for January

Eat delicious, healthy food, save lives and help the environment by joining thousands of people who are going vegan for January. From Viva!, that charity that helps people go vegan/veg/eat less meat to save animals, people and the world. Fundraise for the month using



No clear sign of which charity benefits from this plan to let you hair and/or facial hair grow. There's also Febru-hairy.

FebFast is the Australian movement which challenges you to take a 28 day break from alcohol and raise funds for youth addiction. New for 2014, FebFasters will have a choice to take a break from alcohol, sugar, caffeine, or digital overload.

Annual campaign for Sue Ryder. We're asking you to get hairy for Sue Ryder. From shaving off your locks to donning a wig for the day, we're asking you to think of inventive, hairy ways to raise funds for us.
Parched March
Parched March is all about good times for a good cause. We love great bars, delicious drinks, fun... and animals. Every March we bring these together in a month-long celebration around Sydney's finest venues. We raise money by encouraging people to enjoy the city's bars responsibly. Our four-year-old campaign is the first of its kind, and proves that doing good doesn't always mean depriving yourself. We'll drink to that!

For Ape-ril the Sumatran Orangutan Society asks supporters around the world to unleash their inner apes throughout April to raise funds and awareness for its work to protect Sumatran orangutans and their forests. Run since 2013, in previous years this has focused on sponsored beard-growth, or dyeing beards orangutan-orange, or fake beards for women and kids.


We grew our moustaches for Movember. We cultivated full-face beards for Decembeard. We even indulged lesser-seen facial hair when The Sides of March encouraged us to sprout sideburns. But now, the latest month in our hair-covered calendar is daring us to do the unthinkable: shave. In support of mental health charity Mind.




This one doesn't exist yet, but so it's our gift to you if you can make use of it. The idea came from @JTchangingbiz on Twitter - thanks John. A variant is #Maykadonation. Let us know if you use it.

Dry July
Dry July is an online fundraising campaign. Sign up to the challenge of a month off the booze to raise sponsorship to benefit the lives of adults living with cancer. Now in its sixth year, Dry July participants have raised over $10.5m for hospitals to improve the lives of adults living with cancer.
Armpits for August
A month long charity event for cis and trans women.

Step up to Steptember and try taking 10,000 steps each day for one month. You'll be supporting disabled people and their families through disability charity Scope.

Souper September
Help Broadway support more than 9,000 people this year. Get involved in Souper September - the community fundraising campaign backed by Raymond Blanc, Dean Edwards and Henry Dimbleby. There is only one week left to go to show your support. Can you get involved? Can you donate just £3 to Broadway?
This September, please support 'Dogtember'! 'Dogtember' is a whole month when your company can collectively raise money for Hearing Dogs.
Raising funds and awareness in Australia for gender specific mental health issues for women, funding research and programmes that can be implemented to achieve optimal health outcomes.
The Super Pups have dog-napped Dogtober for their fundraising and awareness month - but they need your help to make it the best Dogtober ever! The entire month is dedicated to celebrating your dog - in fact ALL dogs across the country.
Socked invites the men of the UK to clear out their old socks, and buy new ones. In return, every new sock subscription received in October will result in a donation to Help for Heroes.
Go Sober
Are you ready to Go Sober this October and raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support? Go Sober for October asks you to take a month long break from the booze to do something fantastic for people affected by cancer.
Frocktober is your chance to raise funds and awareness for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation, while you re-discover and re-love the fabulous frocks at the back of your cupboard.
Movember, the month formerly known as November, is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health.


Lots of references to this found, but no clear charity beneficiary.
Take the Dressember challenge and support women's charities by getting sponsored to wear a dress or skirt every day during the month of December.

Even though they itch a bit in the early days and make soup a questionable lunchtime choice, real men still grow beards. Why? Because real men like to feel like bears. Grizzly bears. Big, heaving, honey guzzling grizzly bears. Fundraising for Bowel Cancer UK.