Listly by emma white
A list of funny revenge stories to punish a cheating boyfriend & cheating experiences.
I feel the need to add the 'healthy way to punish a cheating boyfriend' right there in the title, because I understand the rage of some scorned women let loose on Google. Anyone who's ever been cheated on knows the pain that betrayal can inflict.
Sam and I have had an on and off relationship for three years, going back into High school. I swear when the odds seemed against our relationship, we became so much closer. We used to walk all night with each other, when one of us was in a bad situation; we were there for each other.
We eventually started talking again after the washing powder incident ( another blog post), although I don't think we would have had he known I caused his agony. When he came home 2 weeks later he must've felt guilty himself as the full weekend was great.
Yeah, so, it's exactly how it sounds. Nobody knows about this, not even my best friend. I can't tell anyone my dirty little secret. I Cheat On My Boyfriend I've been with my other half (the daddy to my 2 year old) for 3 and a half years, for about the last year maybe more I've not wanted to be in this relationship.
I have to admit when the lady in question messaged me on Facebook and asked me to anonymously ask her question on the mums group I almost choked on my cup of tea. "My partner and I got a little over excited last night and I gave him some mouth action, down there and without me knowing he recorded it on his mobile.
I poured glue and paint into his PlayStation one mum told me when we were discussing revenge on cheating boyfriends and I had to laugh, she agreed to allow me to share her revenge story here on the blog, anonymously that is.
A girlfriend punishes her boyfriend for cheating on her by making him hold up a sign in a mall and letting everyone know that he had an affair. The photo of the man, submitted by Reddit user Brunetteness, was taken at the Arundel Mills Mall in Maryland.
You don't have to be Jennifer Aniston to think the four women who Krazy-Glued a cheater's penis to his stomach were way harsh and beyond psycho. But in our less scrupulous/mature moments, many of us want to punish our ex, especially if he was a cheater.
You may feel used. You may feel stupid for not knowing that you were being cheated on, You may feel angry, or sad, or abandoned, whatever you're feeling, you can get over it. You need to realize that your ex cannot be good for you if they...
It had always been a running joke with my partner about having a threesome and he always wanted to have sex with another woman. I always went along with it thinking it would never actually happen, until one day. He decided to ask my best friend if she would be interested and to my horror she said yes.
It can be difficult to catch a cheater, partly because we just don't want to believe it's true-deception hurts-and many people would rather live in denial than face the ugly, painful truth. And even after we've come to terms with the fact that it might be happening, it can be really hard to prove it-but it can be done.