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Environmental Free Online Courses

Take free online sustainability courses that focus on renewable energy, environmental protection and sustainable development. Learn about the science of sustainability and other in-demand subjects


Environmental Science - Free online courses

Environmental Science Free online courses
The environment has become a major concern, hence the need to raise awareness and introduce people about environmental challenges, through free courses offered by the most prestigious universities and companies in the world.

Sustainability in Corporations and Businesses - Free online course

Running a sustainable business is no longer only for niche markets. This course provides information to assist you in understanding what ‘sustainability in business’ means and how to start and maintain a sustainable business model. We describe building sustainable industries. By studying this course, you will find answers to questions such as ‘what is a sustainable way to treat natural resources?’ or ‘how do you become sustainable in business?’.

Introduction to Sustainable Finance - Free online course

Sustainable Finance Free online course
Realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires US$5-7 trillion a year. It is imperative to demonstrate the potential benefits of sustainable investments and attract investors. This course presents key elements of sustainable finance, such as green bond markets and other tools.

Solar PV Fundamentals - Free online course

Solar PV Fundamentals Free online course
This course will provide an overview of Solar PV mechanics and capacity. It will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of installation and control.

Renewable Energy for the Developing World

Renewable Energy for the Developing World Free Course
Renewable energy (RE) technologies have broad application in the "developing world"- rural countries and areas that have less technology and infrastructure. In fact, bringing RE to poorer and more remote places can leap-frog technology that we have come to assume as "normal" in our modern lives, avoiding cost and environmental damage.

Organisations, environmental management and innovation

Do you want to discover more about how organisations innovate for environmental management? This free course, Organisations, environmental management and innovation, focuses on the innovations organisations are developing or using to manage contemporary environmental issues. It also covers how organisations are innovating thinking about environmental management.

Sustainable Food Systems - Free online course

This course is part of a series of three e-learning courses on Sustainable Food Systems (SFS), designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools required to apply systems thinking to complex food systems challenges in an integrated manner.

Environmental management and organisations - Free online course

It is believed that environmental management requires action at all levels and by organisations of all types and sizes. However it is not always clear what we mean by environmental management and the role that organisations do and could play. This free course, explores the different interpretations and viewpoints involved by using system thinking to provide a framework with which to better understand environmental management and organisations.

Understanding sustainability - Free online course

Understanding sustainability Free online course
This course introduces ways in which systems thinking can help support processes of decision making amongst stakeholders with different, often contrasting, perspectives on sustainable development in order to generate purposeful action to improve situations of change and uncertainty.

Agriculture Innovation Systems - Free online course

Meeting rising global demand for food and responding to changes such as climate change, globalization, and urbanization will thus require good policy, sustained investments, and innovation – not business as usual. Agricultural innovation enables the agriculture sector, farmers and rural entrepreneurs to adapt rapidly when challenges occur and to respond readily when new opportunities arise – for example in the fields of technology and markets.