If you are going to get your home air conditioned do you know what type of system you should have? I guess not. Don't worry come and have a visit in our site heatingcoolingsource.com. We have lots of information in articles or in videos just to support you in your task.
Green Tips for a Cool Summer A green guide for keeping your home cool this summer, from simple steps to bigger projects. By Camille PeriWebMD Feature provided in collaboration with Healthy Child Healthy World Keeping our houses cool with air conditioners costs Americans about $11 billion a year.
Running your air conditioner during the summer months can raise your energy bill quite significantly. Learn how to save money while air conditioning your home to a nice cool temperature. 1. Keep the Filter Clean A dusty filter reduces air flow. Examine the unit's air filters once a month and clean or replace filters when necessary.
Summer is here, and that means heat! While 84% of U.S. homes use air conditioners, we can all save money by using them less; after all, the typical U.S. home spends 17% of its annual energy bill on cooling - about $375.
Puzzling out how to keep your house as cool as possible during these hot summer months? Trying to remember the conventional wisdom but not quite sure how it goes? Those window fans, for example, should they be placed to draw air in or out? Upwind or downwind of the dwelling?