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Updated by Vicky Beltsky on Jul 19, 2023
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Integrative Medicine

A combination of Western and Holistic Medicine provided by Dr. Victor Tsan.


Do you know the one question that nearly everyone asks before giving up drinking? “Am I an alcoholic?”

Do you know the one question that nearly everyone asks before giving up drinking? “Am I an alcoholic?”

Many alcoholics are too familiar with the question. I have dealt with the issue directly and professionally as a therapist and a medical doctor. Only I, an ex-drinker, was aware of the number of hours I sat in front of my computer, mindlessly clicking on link after link in pursuit of information I didn’t want to know. Read more here:


Most Effective Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Most Effective Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Home remedies for snoring are safe and effective. Many people don’t consider sleep apnea a severe condition. Still, if left untreated, it can lead to other conditions, such as depression, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that about 20 million people suffer from sleep apnea. a.

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Natural Tinnitus Treatment

Natural Tinnitus Treatment

Tinnitus treatment is a challenge. Is tinnitus curable? Tinnitus is not curable. However, treatment aims to help you manage your perception of the sound in your head. Many treatments for tinnitus can help reduce the perceived intensity of tinnitus, as well as its omnipresence.
The medical and scientific community has not found a cure to date. Natural tinnitus treatment is currently the way to go.
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Acne treatment depends on the acne's severity and its cause. Treatments vary from over-the-counter creams and natural...

Acne treatment depends on the acne's severity and its cause. Treatments vary from over-the-counter creams and natural...

Acne treatment depends on the acne's severity and its cause. Treatments vary from over-the-counter creams and natural treatments.
Acne products help mild cases and should be combined with a program to help identify the cause of your breakouts. It is known that acne can be partly hereditary, and prolonged periods of stress can cause pimples.
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Acupuncture for Back Pain

Acupuncture for Back Pain

Treatment for lower back pain can be a challenge due to the polymorphism of this medical condition. If you are feeling persistent pain in your lower back, you first want to visit your doctor to be diagnosed with the problem. After completing your diagnosis, you will want to review the different types of lower back pain treatment.
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Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are safe, affordable, and effective. By the end of 2024, it is estimated that the homeopathy market will touch an estimated US $17.4 billion.
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Hypnotherapy for Depression

Hypnotherapy for Depression

It is said that natural treatment for depression is the best treatment because it does not cause any side effects. Natural remedies for anxiety and depression are still preferred to treat almost all illnesses except depression. There are various types of natural Treatments for depression around the world.

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Natural Treatment for Post-Nasal Drip

Natural Treatment for Post-Nasal Drip

/Post-nasal drip is a collection of mucus in your throat, particularly in the area that connects your throat and nasal passages. This buildup leads to throat irritation that manifests as a chronic cough. Causes of post-nasal drip vary from person to person, including pregnancy, pollution, hypertension, stress, and allergies. Treatment for post-nasal drip usually starts with eliminating the cause and mucus.
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Effective Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Effective Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Natural remedies for arthritis are effective and generally safe. Arthritis is not a deadly disease; however, the disease can be disabling and very challenging to manage. The disease is more prevalent among older groups of people. Among the age group 18-44 years, about 7% reported arthritis.
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Aсuрunсturе for Irrіtаblе Bowel Sуndrоmе

Aсuрunсturе for Irrіtаblе Bowel Sуndrоmе

Treatment for IBS is always a challenge. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, will cause abdominal discomfort. If you have this condition, you will have days where you will suffer from bouts of cramping, diarrhea, and bloating. There are different natural treatments for IBS, and listed below are the most effective forms of natural treatment for IBS. Read more:


Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

When considering the treatment for hemorrhoids, one must first consider several factors. The first is whether or not you require temporary relief or a more permanent solution, and the second is whether you would prefer to choose medical treatment for hemorrhoids or natural remedies for hemorrhoids.
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Hypnosis treatment for paranoid personality disorder

Hypnosis treatment for paranoid personality disorder

The main approaches to treatment for paranoid personality disorder in developed countries are various antipsychotics, although not everyone will respond to these drugs. Other interventions such as talk therapy, relaxation, hypnosis, and other alternative therapies have been suggested to be helpful, especially in addition to medication.
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Effective Natural Treatments For Fibromyalgia

Effective Natural Treatments For Fibromyalgia

Once someone is diagnosed with fibromyalgia, the next step is finding a treatment plan to help manage symptoms. Treatment of fibromyalgia will often involve a combination of treatment options. It may take some time and experimentation, but relief from symptoms is possible if you find what works for you and stick with it.
Home remedies for fibromyalgia are a group of natural remedies effective in treating fibromyalgia.
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Natural Treatment for Shingles

Natural Treatment for Shingles

Generic painkillers such as paracetamol can help to manage the pain associated with the virus, and calamine lotion is used to reduce the itching. In more severe cases, painkillers as prescribed, or in the case of those with compromised immune systems, injections of antiviral antibodies. However, some of these drugs for the treatment of herpes have side effects; this is why most people are seeking natural treatment for shingles.
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Natural Treatment for High Cholesterol

Natural Treatment for High Cholesterol

Treatment for high cholesterol is challenging and often limited to statins that cause many well-known side effects. Cholesterol is a naturally occurring fat substance in all body cells crucial in stimulating hormone production, biliary function, and vitamin D processing. The system only needs a small amount of cholesterol in the blood for normal functioning.
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Acupuncture for Menopause

Acupuncture for Menopause

Women who cannot or do not want to utilize [hormone treatment] may find relief from menopausal symptoms with acupuncture for menopause, according to a team led by Kamma Sundgaard Lund from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of public health.
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Homeopathic remedies For Headaches: A Real Holistic Treatment Or Reckless Fraud?

Homeopathic remedies For Headaches: A Real Holistic Treatment Or Reckless Fraud?

Treatment for headaches in Western medicine is palliative. Rest and pain relief medication are the main treatments for headaches.
Natural remedies for headaches represent natural holistic methods used to relieve the symptoms of headaches without medication. It has also been proven to cause no side effects and is one of the best ways to relieve headaches.
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Safe and Effective Home Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids

Safe and Effective Home Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids

It’s a fairly common condition, and many people resort to conventional treatments and drugs for treatment. However, many parents have become uncomfortable with allopathic medications and treatments due to the risk of side effects. If you’re one of them, you might want to opt for a natural adenoid treatment.
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Natural Treatment for Lyme Disease

Natural Treatment for Lyme Disease

Black-legged ticks or deer carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, and ticks can pass them on to humans and animals. A tick must remain on the skin for at least 36 hours to infect a person. Tick bites are most common in the warmer months of spring and summer when ticks are most active. Read more:

Treatment for Tennis Elbow - Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic

Holistic natural treatment for tennis elbow is effective, safe, and affordable. Acupuncture & massage is the most beneficial combination.

Hypnosis Therapy | Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic | Dr. Tsan

The best hypnotherapist is first of all medical doctor, who understands pathology and physiology and knows how to apply the Hypnosis therapy

Treatment For Anxiety | Hypnosis And Anxiety Treatment | Dr. Tsan

Doctor Tsan believes in combination of the different forms of natural treatment for anxiety disorders Hypnosis, acupuncture, homeopathy & yoga

Treatment For Social Anxiety | Philadelphia Hypnosis Clinic

Hypnosis and other forms of natural treatment for social anxiety are effective and successfully when done by well-trained specialists

Hypothyroidism treatment by Dr. Tsan at Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic

At the Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic, the team of medical practitioners treats hypothyroidism under supervision of the famous physician Victor Tsan MD

Treatments for Migraines - Philadelphia Holistic Clinic - Dr. Tsan

Natural treatments for migraines such as acupuncture, essential oils, hypnotherapy, reiki, and homeopathy proved their efficiency.