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Updated by Webnyay on Aug 19, 2023
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Top Online Dispute Resolution Platform - Webnyay

Webnyay is an end-to-end solution for an online dispute resolution platform that caters to courts, arbitral institutions, mediation centers, and more. Simplify your dispute resolution process with Webnyay.


Online Grievance Redressal Platform | Grievance Management System

Webnyay is the go-to online grievance redressal platform in India, offering an efficient, multi-lingual solution for businesses and Government authorities. Get started today!

Trusted ODR Platform in India | Alternative Dispute Resolution System

Webnyay, one of the top ODR platforms in India, offers a trusted online dispute resolution ecosystem to save business relationships and improve profit margins. Experience the ROI with our services today!

The Secure Virtual Hearing Platform for Arbitration & Mediation

Webnyay offers secure, end-to-end virtual hearing solutions for arbitrators, mediators, lawyers, and in-house counsel. Streamline your arbitration and mediation processes with Webnyay today.

About Us | Webnyay - Your End-to-End Dispute Resolution Solution

Discover Webnyay, your end-to-end solution for resolving grievances and disputes in courts, arbitration, mediation, and more. Learn about us and our mission to simplify dispute resolution.

Contact Us Today for Your Dispute Queries - Webnyay

Contact us now for fast and reliable dispute resolution support. Complete our contact form to get in touch with our experts.

Online Dispute Resolution: The Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers several benefits over traditional litigation for resolving conflicts and disputes. Here are some key advan

A Guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution: Avoiding Costly Legal Battles

Here's a guide to help you navigate the world of ADR and avoid costly legal battles:

The Future of Dispute Resolution: Exploring ODR Platforms in India - Webnyay

Here are some key aspects and prospects of ODR platforms in India:

UNCITRAL Model Provisions on Mediation

The UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) is deliberating executing reforms regarding rules on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). The outcome of this 56th Session, currently underway in Vienna, serves as an important development for the global dispute resolution mechanisms.

Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism in the Indian Securities Market

The Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism is a system established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to protect the interests of investors in securities and to regulate the securities market.

This article is all about diving into the background of mediation in India, how the laws support it, and the newest things happening in the world of mediation there.

The Validity of Unstamped Arbitration Agreements in India: Recent Judgments

Over the last few years, Arbitration,a form of dispute resolution has gained immense popularity in India.Arbitration agreements are often executed as a part of commercial contracts to resolve any disputes arising out of the contract in a quick and efficient manner. However, the enforceability of such arbitration agreements has recently come under the scanner of the Indian judiciary, especially in cases where the arbitration agreement has not been stamped as per the Indian Stamp Act.

The Role of Online Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Resolving Online Gaming Disputes

Online gaming has become a multi-billion-dollar industry, with millions of players engaging in various virtual worlds and competitive environments. While online gaming platforms strive to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience, disputes among players and between players and platforms can arise.