Listly by Diane Declet
Resources for children about healthy nutrition, creating healthy food meals and how to cook healthier recipes with free classroom cooking activities, virtual healthy recipe cooking game for kids, healthy cooking learning pages and worksheets.
SparkPeople advertisers help keep the site free! Learn more Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen? No Such Thing! We all know how important it is to prepare nutritious food for our children. But did you know it's equally as important that we teach our children how to prepare nutritious food for themselves?
We know your kids how could kids are more likely to -- it and that's First Lady Michelle Obama's new methods for healthier families there's no question it takes more time in patients. But here's some... See More
Traditions for Teaching Kids to Cook Do you cook healthy dinners every night, only to have your kids beg for chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, or hotdogs? Or do you find yourself stuck in a dinnertime rut, making spaghetti three times a week because it's the only thing everyone will eat?
Culinary Education for Children By: Bill Long Bill is the administrator of, a website with culinary how to's, resources and recipes for anyone interested in cooking by focusing on sauces and culinary schools. Kids love to cook, and cooking with them can be a lot of fun, albeit sometimes a bit messy.