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Updated by security-of-your-devices on May 08, 2023
Headline for Get Serious About The Security Of Your Devices
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Get Serious About The Security Of Your Devices

With the rising popularity of mobile devices, the need for security has grown as well. Mobile devices are a target for hackers, due to their increased use, and also because they carry more valuable data than traditional computers. You can use a variety of different methods to protect your devices from security breaches

What is an SSL Certificate & What Does it Do?

Find out what SSL stands for and what an SSL certificate is. Learn how SSLs work and how they encrypt important data to keep it secure. How do you know if you can trust a website with your private data? SSL certificates and other encryption technology help secure your data and ensure your personal information remains safe. Learn what SSL certificates are and how they help protect you online.

SSL Certificates General Knowledge Base

What is SSL, What does, Private Key, Self Signed, Certificate Signing, EV SSL, Wild Card, General Information on SSL TLS Certificates. SSL certificates are used on the Internet for securing all the data sent between web servers, devices, clouds, phones, computers, etc. SSL certificates are essential in the Encryption of communications using SSL and TLS. You can not have secure communications without these.

The Different SSL Security Certificates

There are three types of validation for SSL/TLS certificates. Domain Validated Certs (DV), Organization Validated Certs (OV), Extended Validation Certs (EV) But with literary thousands of providers and overwhelming levels to choose from, finding the right Security Certificate for your website might feel like a daunting task.

What is Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS

HTTPS offers an extra layer of security because it uses SSL Secure Sockets Layer, a computing protocol that ensures the security of data sent over the Internet. Unfortunately, not everyone online is sincere and trustworthy. This is why websites and email servers need to implement strong security measures that will protect their users and visitors.

Why You Should Make The Switch to HTTPS

Websites that have not made the switch to HTTPS or SSL will be labeled as Not Secure on Google Chrome, You need to switch to HTTPS. For Ecommerce websites, you need an SSL certificate if you are processing sensitive credit card data. SSL builds trust and credibility with your visitors. According to a European survey from GlobalSign, 85% of Online Shoppers Avoid Unsecured Websites.

DDoS Protection and Prevention for your Website

Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS) are a malicious attempt to make an online service like a website unavailable to users. he attacks will target a broad range of websites from banks and news sites and target small businesses, individual websites, political platforms. No Website or Web Server is immune to DDoS Attacks.

ConfigServer Security and Firewall (csf) – ConfigServer Services

ConfigServer Firewall
An advanced firewall and detection program created to provide better security for a Web Server while giving you an easy-to-use, advanced interface for managing all aspects of your firewall settings.

The Importance of Internet Security for your Website

Websites unfortunately have a high degree of Security Risks. So are the Networks that the Servers connect to. One of the best options to protect your website is to install an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. You may not have noticed, but you do use HTTPS when you browse the web. Just look for the padlock in the address bar. SSL encrypts all content between your website and your visitors.

How to Fix SSL or HTTPS Warnings

HTTPS warning normally indicates that both secured and unsecured elements are being served up on a page that should be encrypted. Simply supporting HTTPS isn’t always enough — you also need to know how to identify and fix mixed content errors

How Can You Resolve Mixed Content Warnings in WordPress Easily?

If you encounter mixed content warnings on your WordPress website, this expert guide will show you simple ways to fix your issues. The mixed content warning does not stop your site from showing content on a page, but it can have a negative effect on your site’s SEO ranking. That’s why you should resolve it as soon as possible.

Why do I Need a Secure SSL Website?

Add HTTPS and an SSL Certificate. To keep your website safe, you need a secure URL. If your site visitors offer to send their private information, you need HTTPS, not HTTP, to deliver it. HTTPS or SSL Security is not just for online stores anymore, the truth is all websites will benefit from being Secured. HTTPS protects the integrity

Essential Steps To Improve Your Website Security

Take essential steps towards improving your site’s security. Help keep data away from prying eyes. No method can guarantee your site will forever be “hacker-free.” The use of preventative methods will reduce your site’s vulnerability. How to Improve Your Websites Safety

What Is DNS Hijacking Or Redirecting and How to Prevent it

DNS hijacking can be a serious threat to your online presence. Learn about DNS Hijacking. The different types of DNS Hijacking. And the best ways to avoid it.
To understand what DNS hijacking or redirecting is, you first need to learn what DNS is and how it is used with the Internet.

DNS Hijacking

A cyber threat thought by many to be a thing of the past has seen its resurrection over the past couple of months. DNS Hijacking: How to Identify and Protect Against It. We'll take a deeper look into what DNS hijacking is, what makes DNS so susceptible to these types of attacks and how you can discover DNS hijacking before it causes any damage.

What Are Website Backdoors, How To Prevent-Remove Backdoors

These are hidden entry points that offer unrestricted access to your website to anyone who knows how to use them. Backdoors can cause severe damage to your website. And you are very likely to suffer some or all of the following consequences.

What is a Backdoor Attack | Types of Backdoor Attacks

A backdoor attack is a type of hack that takes advantage of vulnerabilities in computer security systems. These vulnerabilities can be intentional or unintentional, and can be caused by poor design, coding errors, or malware.

Protecting Your Website From Cyberattacks

Steps to Take to Protect Your Website from the Latest Cyberattacks, Almost 70% of cyberattacks and breaches are small to medium sized businesses.

Keeping your website safe from cyber attacks

Building a website for your business is fun. From choosing the most engaging copy to selecting the perfect graphics, your website tells your story and connects you to your customers. But you also need to keep you and your customers safe.

Business Security, Secure Your Mobile Devices

Your Mobile Devices are an integral part of your Small Business. Listing some of the more common ways to help keep you, your employees and business safe. Security experts and Law enforcement sources all state that small businesses are now victims of at least half of all cybersecurity breaches. Mobile devices and Smartphones has only been around for a couple of years now. They have grown to be not only popular, but a necessity

What is mobile security?

Authentication and authorization across mobile devices offer convenience, but increase risk by removing a secured enterprise perimeter’s constraints. Today cybercriminals can hack into cars, security cameras, baby monitors and implanted healthcare devices. And by 2025, there could be more than 75 billion “things” connected to the internet

How do I Create a Strong Password?

What makes a Strong Password? Passwords are your front line of defense, so you'd better have some good ones. Passwords are the front line of defense in protecting the data on your computer and in your online accounts. They keep your kids from hijacking your Twitter account and keep cybercriminals from gaining access to your bank accounts.

Creating Strong Passwords That You Can Remember

Creating Strong Passwords That You Can Remember
Security experts always recommend "strong passwords." But what exactly qualifies as a strong password? And how do you avoid creating a password so strong you can't remember it?

Has Your Smartphone been Hacked?

Not only can your devices be hacked. It can be done very easily. And it can be done without your knowledge. Protect Yourself from Being Hacked, And a breach that originated through a mobile device is unlikely to be detected or worse reported by the employees. A worrying fact is that most Businesses do not know just how many of employee devices has been hacked.

How to remove a hacker from your smartphone

Should you worry about phone hacking? Learn how to stop someone from hacking your smartphone and keep prying eyes away from your private life and data. This means the average user might be blind sighted by any number of cyberattacks. Fortunately, you can protect yourself by staying up to date on the newest hacks.

Has my Laptop Camera been Hacked

The truth is your webcam can be hacked and accessed without your consent. Many malicious spyware can hack your laptop to spy on you in real time. A popular hack is what they call “CamFecting”. All webcam hackers need to do to hijack your webcam is to install "Remote Control Malware" into your laptop