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Updated by Lorna Harvey on Jan 30, 2015
Lorna Harvey Lorna Harvey
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Tracy Anderson Method

Expert Reveals Best Exercises To Shed Post-Pregnancy Weight
Celebrity fitness trainer Matt Roberts, who has trained the likes of Naomi Campbell, Trudie Styler and David Cameron (we won't hold that last one against you Matt), has revealed some amazing exercises to do after giving birth. He says: "Those who exercise after a pregnancy notice big positives.
Celebrity Fitness Trainer Reveals Stars' Workout Secrets
Hollywood fitness trainer Ramona Braganza -- a former competitive gymnast and National Football League cheerleader -- is famed for helping stars Jessica Alba and Halle Berry sculpt their enviable physiques. As she preps to join pop star Ke$ha on her European tour this summer, Braganza shares with Relaxnews her approach to fitness, diet, and life.
Celebrity Workout Routines - Exercise Programs & Workouts Celebs Do
Forget the celery-and-seltzer silliness. Our extensive list of celebrity workout routines and diet tricks reveals the real exercises that top celebs do with their trainers to achieve a million-dollar body. For the actress, giving birth to twin girls was the easy part. Losing the 60+ pounds she put on?
The Ryan Reynolds Workout: The 6-Pack Diet Plan
What if your boss told you to gain 20 pounds of muscle and lose a third of your body fat? Most of us would end up in the unemployment line, but Ryan Reynolds did as he was told to prepare for his role as a cut vampire killer in Blade: Trinity. tracy anderson method: Books tracy anderson method: Books