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Updated by Lisa Davenport on Apr 16, 2023
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Understanding Florida Divorce Laws: Key Information to Know

This article provides the most crucial aspects of how to get divorce in Florida state


Florida's Residency Requirements

It is crucial to meet this requirement as failing to do so can result in your case being dismissed by the court. Keep in mind that simply owning property or paying taxes in Florida does not qualify as meeting the residency requirement under divorce law in Florida. It is essential that at least one spouse has physically lived within the state's boundaries and intended on making it their permanent residence before filing for divorce via


Grounds for Divorce in Florida

In addition to meeting residency requirements, it is also important to understand the grounds for divorce in Florida. The state recognizes both fault-based and no-fault divorces. In a no-fault divorce, one spouse simply needs to claim that the marriage is irretrievably broken with no chance of reconciliation. If one spouse wishes to file for a fault-based divorce, they must prove that their partner engaged in actions such as adultery or cruelty.


Property Division Laws in Florida

Property Division Laws in Florida

Dividing property can be a complex process that requires legal guidance and attention to detail. It's essential to work with an experienced family law attorney who understands Florida divorce laws and can help you navigate your case effectively. With proper representation, you can ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process of divorce and that you receive a fair share of any martial assets accumulated during your marriage.


Alimony Laws in Florida

Florida recognizes several types of alimony, including bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, and permanent alimony. Your lawyer can help you determine if you qualify for any type of alimony and fight on your behalf during negotiations or court proceedings.


Child Custody and Visitation Laws in Florida

When deciding on visitation arrangements, courts also consider what is best for the child. They may order supervised visitation or limit contact with one parent if there are concerns about abuse or neglect. It's crucial to work with an experienced family law attorney who can help you understand your rights and advocate for your position during negotiations and court proceedings.


Child Support Guidelines and Calculations

Child Support Guidelines and Calculations

It's important for parents to be aware of their obligations under these guidelines and work with an experienced family law attorney to calculate accurate child support payments. By understanding your obligations under Florida's divorce laws regarding child support, you can help ensure that your children receive the financial resources they need for their well-being and future success.


Mandatory Financial Disclosures During the Divorce Process

During the process of divorce in Florida, both parties are required to make mandatory financial disclosures. This is an important step that allows each spouse to fully understand their marital assets and debts, including property, bank accounts, investments, and liabilities. Accurate financial disclosure is essential for determining an equitable distribution of marital property and ensuring that each party receives a fair share.


Alternative Dispute Resolution Options Available to Couples

For couples who are looking for a less adversarial approach to divorce, there are several alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options available under Florida's divorce laws. One of the most popular methods is mediation, where both parties work with a neutral third-party mediator to reach an agreement on issues such as property division and child custody. Mediation can often be less expensive and time-consuming than going through traditional litigation.