Listly by Edge The Agency
If you’re in the restaurant and hospitality industry, you would be aware of the fact that the industry is volatile and highly susceptible to societal and economic changes. In fact, the turnover rate was as high as 75% for the year 2022. This means that not only do businesses get affected by the loss of customers, price increases, shortages of ingredients, and taxes, they also suffer the loss of employees at an alarming rate, making it difficult to sustain and succeed. One way to reduce this from happening to your business is to engage your employees. Read this article to learn about strategies to improve employee engagement, such as implementing restaurant employee management software, utilizing restaurant point of sale systems to streamline operations, and more.
If there are two things about restaurant culture we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that there are always alternatives to work environments and that health is the main priority. People quickly recognised how toxic and unhealthy most workplaces were, especially regarding taking care of their employees. Whether it’s about facilitating sick days, shifting work schedules, respecting burnout, and reducing workload, you must ensure a positive work environment that allows your employees to feel comfortable, safe, and happy. Gone are the days when restaurant staff were overworked and underpaid. Gone are the days when workplace harassment was normalised. As an owner or manager of a restaurant, you need to recognise your employees’ weaknesses and strengths and create a work environment that allows all of them to shine and thrive. If you fail to do this, your best employees will find opportunities elsewhere, and you will miss out on a good staff member, their regular customers, your reputation, and your revenue.
The restaurant industry is notorious for not giving promotions to deserving people at the right time. Your employees won’t stay with your restaurant if they have no opportunities for growth and development. They are making an investment in your restaurant by believing in your concept and the places the job could lead them to. If you fail to give them at least some hope of growth and development, there’s a good possibility that they might leave. Organize teamwork, praise publicly, have discussions about their goals, ask them what more you could do to engage employees. You’d be surprised at how much you can learn from them. They will continue to grow and develop with your guidance.
In the restaurant industry, effective communication is crucial for success. Many establishments fail to foster open communication, leading to misunderstandings and employee dissatisfaction. To avoid this, you must regularly check in with your employees and inquire about their personal lives, health, and performance. Understanding their mindset will make communication much smoother.
Active listening and prompt action are necessary to maintain open communication without fear or shame when dealing with star performers. A single conversation may decide between an employee leaving or staying. Implementing restaurant point-of-sale systems can facilitate better communication and streamline processes.
Here are some recommendations for improving communication in the restaurant industry:
By incorporating these strategies, restaurant owners and managers can foster a culture of open communication, leading to improved employee retention and overall success.
One of the most effective ways to engage employees is by offering competitive compensation and benefits. Ensure that your restaurant employees are paid well, including perks such as insurance, overtime payments, bonus etc. By providing attractive incentives, you can encourage them to stay with your organization. However, keep in mind that even highly skilled staff members may leave if their expectations are not met. If employees feel their compensation doesn't match the effort they put into their work, they may seek opportunities elsewhere.
Allow your employees to take charge and make decisions, especially when they are on the front line. This not only enables them to put their skills and knowledge into action but also demonstrates your trust in their abilities. If they prove themselves worthy of staying at the restaurant, consider offering them promotions, appropriate titles, and pay increases. Encouraging creativity, new ideas, and innovative concepts is essential, especially in the high-end restaurant industry. Celebrate your employees' achievements and successes to foster a positive and supportive work environment.