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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Apr 09, 2023
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Kettlebell Complex Workouts

Learn the secrets to getting the fastest results possible with kettlebell training.

Double Kettlebell Complex Fat Loss Workout - “The Universe” Here’s the deal: Well-constructed double kettlebell complex fat loss workouts can take as little as 10 to 15 minutes a day, depending on the double kettlebell exercises you use, the reps per set, and the number of rounds you do.

Double Kettlebell Complex - “You Don’t Know Squat, 2.0” Well-designed double kettlebell complex workouts can take as little as 10 to 15 minutes a day, depending on the double kettlebell exercises you use, the reps per set, and the number of sets in each session you do.

Double Kettlebell Complex - “Lucky 13” basic kettlebell complex works your abs, hips, legs, upper back, shoulders and arms. In a caloric deficit, this double kettlebell complex can be great for fat loss.

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout - “Clean ‘Em Up, 2.0”

Here are the details for today’s double kettlebell complex workout:
(Make sure you’re using a 10 rep max for your double kettlebell press.)
Double Kettlebell Clean x5
Double Kettlebell Press x5
Double Kettlebell Snatch x5
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x5

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press - Rep Max Test In this video I decided to take my 32kg kettlebells for a spin and do a double kettlebell clean and press rep max test. I did a "comfortable" 10 at an 8 out of 10 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).

How To Combine Kettlebell And Bodyweight Exercises You can use multiple pairs in a workout program. Again, those are just ideas.
Over the last couple of decades, I’ve found combining bodyweight and kettlebell exercises can inject “new life” into boring, dusty ol’ kettlebell workouts.

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout - Oh Row You Don't 2 0 I cut my Snatches because something felt “off.” Never be afraid to cut your reps if things don’t feel right. Never worth getting injured.

Kettlebell Workouts - Double Kettlebell Front Squat Here’s how to double kettlebell front squat safely and effectively to get stronger, more powerful legs, and a tight midsection for total body strength & conditioning.

Kettlebell Workouts - Double Kettlebell Push Press The Double Kettlebell Push Press is a great exercise in its own right. It is a powerful (pun intended) exercise that can overload the shoulder and arm musculature, strengthening the triceps for the lockout of the Military Press.

Kettlebell Workouts - Double Kettlebell Clean and Push Press The Double Kettlebell Clean and Push Press is a great alternative to the Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk if shoulder and/or thoracic mobility is a problem for you. In fact, it might be even be a BETTER alternative due to the “half press” found after the leg drive during the arm lockout overhead.

Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk The Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (C+J) is an exercise of legend. Rumor has it, that the Spetsnaz, the Soviet/Russian Special Forces units, performed their PT exclusively with high repetition C+J’s using a pair of 24kg kettlebells. Multiple sets of 20 to 30 reps were not uncommon.

Double Kettlebell High Pull The Double Kettlebell High Pull is an important exercise for learning the Double Kettlebell Snatch. It teaches you how to drive with your hips and “float” the kettlebells up in the air. This is a critical skill because the “float” is necessary to create the momentum to “punch” the kettlebells into the overhead lockout position.