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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Apr 09, 2023
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Double Kettlebell Complex Workouts

Learn the secrets to getting the fastest results possible with kettlebell training.


3 Ways to Move Up a Kettlebell Size In The Kettlebell Snatch

If you’re behind on your goals, using the Kettlebell Snatch can “catch you up” if you do it right.
Assuming you know how to Snatch correctly, here are 3 ways to move up a KB size:
[1] Perform HEAVY Kettlebell Swings
[2] Incorporate HEAVY Double Kettlebell Front Squats
[3] Snatch MORE.
Learn More on My Website:

Double Kettlebell Complex For Fat Loss - "The Olympic 3.0,"

Double kettlebell complexes for fat loss are arguably one of the most time-efficient ways to strip off body fat and build dense, lean muscle, while jacking your conditioning levels up through the roof.

Double Kettlebell Complex - "Ballistic Beatdown:" Light Day Today’s Double Kettlebell Complex Workout: “Ballistic Beatdown” - Light Day. It’s great for general conditioning, fat loss, and building some muscle on the upper back, shoulders, and posterior chain.

Double Kettlebell Complex Fat Loss - "The Shoulder Smoker,"

Double kettlebell complexes: Fat loss, conditioning, building dense, lean muscle in the most time efficient manner - these are arguably the best way to go for
Well-designed kettlebell complex workouts can take as little as 9 minutes, depending on how many kettlebell exercises you include in them.

Double Kettlebell Complex For Faster Fat Loss - "Jerk Werk"

For faster fat loss, they’re really hard to beat. (Combined with a smart caloric deficit, of course.) Really. They can also pack on lean muscle, and do a superb job of developing overall general conditioning, making you fit for most of the things life throws at you. (Well, maybe not wrestling bears…)

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout - Sir Snatch A Lot For fat loss they are hard to beat. They’re time efficient, and they create a hormonal environment that releases growth hormone - one of your main fat burning hormones. Conveniently, growth hormone is also involved in muscle-building, so you get a double bang for your buck with kettlebell complexes.

Double Kettlebell Complex Fat Loss Workout - “The Up & Over” Double kettlebell complex fat loss workout that will challenge you both physically and mentally.
This one is brutal on the posterior chain and upper back combining some advanced double kettlebell exercises: The double kettlebell swing, double kettlebell high pull, double kettlebell snatch, and the double kettlebell push press.

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout Fat Loss - “The Upper Back Attack” Double kettlebell complex workout: Fat loss your goal? Start using this kettlebell snatch-based complex called “The Upper Back Attack.” Yes, it helps burn that unwanted bodyfat - that chub around the middle - AND it also gives you that “power look” - a strong, built upper back and traps.

Double Kettlebell Complex For Fat Loss - “Herky-Jerky,” Double kettlebell complexes for fat loss are one of the best, and fastest ways to use kettlebells to strip off body fat. Many, including me, would argue they are hands-down the most time-efficient too.

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout For Fat Loss - “The A&P” Double kettlebell complex workout for fat loss: The A&P, A: Day 1… Great for burning fat, boosting your conditioning, and even packing on some lean muscle tissue (if you’re nutrition is right).

Double Kettlebell Complex - “Lucky 13” Typically, you have to reset more between sets if you have more exercises in your complexes than less. The same is true if you are using a lot of reps per exercise.

How To Combine Kettlebell And Bodyweight Exercises
[1] Pick the KB exercises you want to include
[2] Pick the bodyweight exercises you want to include
[3] Pick your frequency (2 to 5 times a week)
[4] Remember, there’s an inverse correlation between frequency and volume -
… as volume increases, you’ll need more rest days to recover, so you can’t train as frequently.

“Clean ‘Em Up, 2.0” – Double Kettlebell Complex Workout The “Clean ‘Em Up, 2.0” double kettlebell complex workout is great for general conditioning, technique refinement, fat loss, building muscle, and even getting stronger.

"Ballistic Beatdown"- Light Day, Double Kettlebell Complex Today’s Double Kettlebell Complex Workout: “Ballistic Beatdown” – Light Day. It’s great for general conditioning, fat loss, and building some muscle on the upper back, shoulders, and posterior chain.

"Oh Row You Don't 2.0" *I cut my Snatches because something felt “off.” Never be afraid to cut your reps if things don’t feel right. Never worth getting injured.