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Updated by Paul Hugh O'Mahony on Jul 13, 2023
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PR for Toastmasters

Toastmasters International -PRM Responsibilities

Public Relations Manager officer Responsibilities

PMI UK Changemakers Toastmasters. 4th July 2023

Join via Zoom ( ) PMI UK Changemakers will give you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. Public speaking is a key...

Toastmasters - develop your public speaking skills and meet new people

Develop your public speaking skills, grow your confidence and meet new people!
We are a friendly bunch coming from diverse backgrounds.

Toastmasters -Developing a PR Calendar

Developing a PR Calendar

Handbook for Building and Sustaining Vibrant Toastmaster Programs in Corporations written by Pat Johnson, DTM

Written by Pat Johnson, DTM and Past International President, this is a must-read for anyone involved with corporate Toastmasters clubs, either as a coach, mentor, sponsor, member or district leader.



Toastmasters International -Brand Portal

Download Toastmasters International branded marketing materials for use by Toastmasters clubs and districts.