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Updated by Diane Declet on Feb 01, 2015
Diane Declet Diane Declet
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Infant Costumes 0-3 Months

Activities to Boost Baby's Physical Development: 0-3 Months
These simple activities suggested by Jamie Loehr M.D. and Jen Meyers, authors of "Raising Your Child," will both soothe your baby and enhance her physical development.
20 fun, silly, development-boosting games to play with your baby
When we first brought our baby home, we were stricken with terror. Would the baby suddenly stop breathing? What if she choked? Did the other people on the road always drive this dangerously? As the days wore on, the fear ebbed. Okay, we could keep the baby alive.
So Smart! | Play & Learn Baby Activities 0 to 3 Months
So Smart! is an award-winning producer of childrens DVDs, videos, music, gifts and free activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers since 1997. Our top-rated educational DVDs include Babys Beginnings for infants 6 months and older who are discovering the world around them; Babys First-Word Stories which introduces toddlers to their first words; and King Otis and the Kingdom of Goode which teaches life lessons for preschoolers ages three to six years old.
How to keep your baby warm all winter
When winter storms in, it's important that you make sure your baby stays warm and dry. However, if you're like most new parents, the thought of dealing with a squirmy baby in a bulky jacket and blankets that keep falling off can be stressful.
0-3 Month Halloween Costumes
Are you a parent that loves to document times in your baby's life? Here are some great costume ideas for your baby's first Halloween. You will want to get plenty of pictures!