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Updated by PayNXT360 on Aug 20, 2023
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Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Market Research Report

PayNXT360's Buy Now Pay Later Market Intelligence Platform analyzes thousands of data points online and offline on strategy, innovation, and consumer behavior. This helps clients spot unique opportunities that directly impact revenues. With over 200 market segments in the Buy Now Pay Later payment industry across the top 50 economies, PayNXT360's market opportunity database offers the most detailed view.

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Market Research Report

PayNXT360's Buy Now Pay Later Market Intelligence Platform analyzes thousands of data points online and offline on strategy, innovation, and consumer behavior. This helps clients spot unique opportunities that directly impact revenues. With over 200 market segments in the Buy Now Pay Later payment industry across the top 50 economies, PayNXT360's market opportunity database offers the most detailed view.


Visa and Mastercard disrupt B2B payments with prepaid card expansion in 2023

Visa and Mastercard disrupt B2B payments with prepaid card expansion in 2023

The B2B payments industry has been growing rapidly over the last few years, and the trend is projected to further continue from the medium-term perspective.

The fast-growing competitive landscape in the Indonesian social commerce market in 2023

In 2021, the social commerce industry experienced rapid growth in Indonesia, on the back of the global pandemic outbreak and subsequent…


Visa and Mastercard disrupt B2B payments with prepaid card expansion in 2023

The B2B payments industry has been growing rapidly over the last few years, and the trend is projected to further continue from the medium-term perspective.


The fast-growing competitive landscape in the Indonesian social commerce market in 2023

In 2021, the social commerce industry experienced rapid growth in Indonesia, on the back of the global pandemic outbreak and subsequent consumers’ shift to online shopping channels.


The fast-growing competitive landscape in the Indonesian social commerce market in

The fast-growing competitive landscape in the Indonesian social commerce market in

In Indonesia alone, the gross merchandise value is expected to increase from US$8.2 billion in 2023 to US$22.1 billion in 2028, according to PayNXT360 estimates.

Visa and Mastercard disrupt B2B payments with prepaid card expansion in

Amid the growing competitive landscape, Visa and Mastercard are both seeking to disrupt the B2B payments category through the rapid expansion of their innovative prepaid card offerings worldwide.

The fast-growing competitive landscape in the Indonesian social commerce market in

VISA AND MASTERCARD DISRUPT B2B PAYMENTS WITH PREPAID CARD EXPANSION IN 2023 In 2021, the social commerce industry experienced rapid growth in Indonesia, on th...

Visa and Mastercard disrupt B2B payments with prepaid card expansion in

VISA AND MASTERCARD DISRUPT B2B PAYMENTS WITH PREPAID CARD EXPANSION IN 2023 The B2B payments industry has been growing rapidly over the last few years, and th...

Gift cards are one of the fastest growing categories in prepaid cards due to their versatility as a gifting and payme...

Gift cards are one of the fastest growing categories in prepaid cards due to their versatility as a gifting and payment solution. Many companies are getting into the gift card space to capitalize on their growth potential.

Gift cards gaining prominence among online gaming platforms worldwide - TheOmniBuzz

The online casino market has been growing at a rapid rate, as more and more state legalizes and regulate online gaming in the United States.

Merger and acquisition trend accelerates in the global buy now pay later sector

Even though the adoption of buy now pay later schemes has continued to grow in 2023, firms have been finding it difficult to achieve profitability. The inflation-led macroeconomic environment has had a severe impact on the bottom line of many buy now pay later firms worldwide.

The global gift card market continues to grow at an accelerated pace on the back of digital gift card offerings in 2023

Digitalization, tech-savvy population, and increasing trend of strategic alliances is driving the growth of the global gift card market in 2023. The growth rate is significantly higher in markets like the United States.

Google and Amazon stand to gain from Meta’s social commerce exit

Ever since the pandemic outbreak, the e-commerce industry landscape has undergone a major revamp, with social commerce emerging as the next growth driver for the global market.

Thane Municipal Corporation launches prepaid digicard

PayNXT360 believes successful implementation and acceptance of prepaid digicard will help in adoption of prepaid cards by other government bodies in India. Also, it can help both business and government to enter the prepaid card market in order to leverage on the cross-selling opportunities as well as expand their customer base, resulting in better cost management and higher ROI.

Changing competitive landscape of Nigerian mobile payment market

The newer entrant in the ever growing Nigerian mobile payment industry is a fully encrypted mobile wallet app, Nairabox. Also termed as social digital wallet, Nairabox can be used to pay utility bills, airline tickets, buy airtime, pay for events and cinema tickets as well as donate for charities.

Opportunities in the global prepaid card and digital wallet market

Digitalization, rising e-commerce activities, and a tech-savvy population are the key factors aiding the growth of the global prepaid card and digital wallet market in 2023. The trend is projected to further continue over the next five years,