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Updated by Debbie Smith on Jul 08, 2018
Debbie Smith Debbie Smith
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Getting started with Notability for iPad
Notability is a versatile note-taking iPad app. Learn the ins and outs of this wide-ranging yet intuitive app. If you have been back in school and are still searching for the right note-taking app for your iPad, Notability brings a lot to the table, or desk in a lecture hall, as it were.
iPad App Review: Notability - Best Note Taking App
Follow me on twitter: In this video, I will go over the notability app available for the iPad, which I think is one of the best note taking app in the App Store. You can do hand writing, pdf annotation, voice recording, typing, and much more ...
Notability for iPad Notability is a fine entry into the work of iPad apps. The ability to add drawings and web clippings really make it stand out from the competition.
Notability For iPad: Much More Than A Note Taking App
Taking notes has always been a traditional pen and paper ordeal. It is not far fetched to assume many dedicated iPad users still have a spiral notepad and pen at the ready. With that in mind, could Notability change your existing note taking requirements? Mark Greentree thinks so, provided you don't need iCloud integration.
Getting started with Notability for iPad

Notability is a versatile note-taking iPad app. Learn the ins and outs of this wide-ranging yet intuitive app. If you have been back in school and are still searching for the right note-taking app for your iPad, Notability brings a lot to the table, or desk in a lecture hall, as it were.

How to Use Notability iPad App in Your Classroom
Notability iPad app creates notes that integrate handwriting, typing, drawings, audio, and pictures. Use Notability for iPad to create lecture notes and other classroom materials. Notability for iPad can also be used to annotate PDF documents, such as student assignments and PDF forms. To create a new note, tap the Compose icon in the Library.
Notability Tutorial
Best tutorial ever!