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Updated by Tara Roehl on Mar 31, 2023
Tara Roehl Tara Roehl
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Executive Functioning Research & Articles

Research on executive functioning and related areas of the field (ex: ADHD, FASD, ASD, etc).

The Impact of Paternal Alcohol Consumption on Offspring Brain and Behavioral Development - PubMed

These results demonstrate that the developmental impact of preconception PatEE is more harmful than previously thought and provide additional insights into the biological mechanisms that may underlie atypical behavior observed in children of alcoholic fathers.

Six experiments showed that being excluded or rejected caused decrements in self-regulation.

The Internet has often been argued to have adverse psychological consequences, such as depression or anxiety symptoms, among “over-users.” The present study offers an alternative
understanding, suggesting the Internet may be used as a forum for expanding social networks and consequently enhancing the chance of meaningful relationships, self-confidence,
social abilities, and social support.

Four experiments tested the idea that social exclusion leads to (unintentionally) self-defeating behavior.
Exclusion was manipulated by telling some people that they were likely to end up alone later in life. This
randomly assigned feedback caused people to take irrational, self-defeating risks (Experiments 1 and 2),
choose unhealthy, rather than healthy, behaviors (Experiment 3), and procrastinate longer with pleasurable activities rather than practicing for an upcoming test (Experiment 4).

Three studies examined the effects of randomly assigned messages of social exclusion. In all 3 studies,
significant and large decrements in intelligent thought (including IQ and Graduate Record Examination
test performance) were found among people told they were likely to end up alone in life. T

Recent findings indicate interventions can boost executive functions—mental processes that have long been thought to be static and not open to change. The authors examined whether and how short-term social interactions could create such cognitive benefits.

Although frequently mentioned in contemporary neuropsychology, the term executive functioning has been a source of considerable confusion. One way in which the meaning of a variable can be investigated involves examining its pattern of relations with established cognitive abilities.

Factors that promote positive child development – like safe, stable home and school environments, trusting relationships with reliable adults, and opportunities for social connection, exercise and open-ended play – also help children develop executive function skills, according to the Harvard center.

Time Perception is a Focal Symptom of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults - PMC

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is classically associated with symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity together with a variety of other observable externalized symptoms. ADHD has also been associated with specific internalized cognitive symptoms, including restlessness and emotional impulsivity.