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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Business Travel Guide to Beijing, China – Experience the Modern Vibrancy of China
Joanna James Joanna James
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Business Travel Guide to Beijing, China – Experience the Modern Vibrancy of China

The capital of China, Beijing, is a hub for business and commerce. It is a city that combines ancient traditions and modern advancements, making it an exciting destination for business travellers.


Best time to visit

Spring, from April to May, and autumn, from September to October, are the best times to visit Beijing. During these months, the weather is mild and pleasant. The summer months, from June to August, can be hot and humid, while the winter months, from December to February, can be extremely cold with snowfalls. Keep in mind that Beijing experience smog throughout the year, so make sure to check the air quality index before planning your trip.  


Where to stay

From luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels, Beijing offers a wide variety of accommodation options for travellers. If you are a business traveller, Beijing serviced apartments, the likes of Ascott Raffles City Beijing would be more to your taste. When choosing accommodation, you should take into consideration the location, transport links, and tourist attractions in the area.


What to eat

Beijing is known for its delicious cuisine, and no trip to the city is complete without trying some of the local dishes. Some of the must-try dishes include Peking duck, jianbing, Zhajiangmian, and Roujiamo. There are also plenty of street food markets and night markets where you can sample a variety of dishes at affordable prices.



Getting around Beijing can be challenging, especially if you don't speak Chinese. So, it’s important that you familiarise yourself with the public transportation system. If this is your first time in Beijing, however, you should consider hiring a taxi or car service for longer journeys.


Business etiquette

As a business traveller, it's important that you understand the local customs and etiquette in Beijing. When greeting someone in Beijing, a handshake or slight bow is common, and addressing people by their formal titles and surnames is important. Exchanging business cards is also an important part of business etiquette in Beijing, and having a supply of high-quality cards with your name, job title, and contact information in both English and Chinese is essential. You should also maintain a polite and respectful demeanour at all times and avoid confrontational or aggressive behaviour.



Beijing is a shopper's paradise, with everything from high-end luxury brands to traditional markets selling local handicrafts. Some of the top shopping destinations include the Silk Market, the Pearl Market, and the Wangfujing Shopping Street.



If you want a break from daily meetings, make sure to check out the pubs, bars, and restaurants in this beautiful city. Beijing has a vibrant nightlife scene, and some of the top areas for nightlife include Sanlitun,  Houhai, and Gulou.


Cultural experiences

The Chinese capital offers a wealth of cultural experiences, from Chinese opera to marital arts demonstrations to calligraphy classes. Taking part in these activities or simply witnessing them will give you a deeper appreciation of the city’s rich culture and heritage.


Must-see places

Beijing is home to many iconic landmarks and historical sites that are must-sees for any visitor. Some of the must-see places in Beijing include the Bird's Nest and Water Cube, which were built for the 2008 Summer Olympics and are now popular tourist attractions. Beihai Park is another must-see destination in the heart of Beijing, featuring a large lake, traditional gardens, and historic landmarks like the White Pagoda and Nine-Dragon Screen. Other must-see landmarks include the National Centre for the Performing Arts, the CCTV Headquarters, and the 798 Art District, home to many contemporary art galleries and studios.


Day trips

You should make the most of your business trip to Beijing by taking a day trip to one of the nearby attractions. The Ming Tombs, the Chengde Mountain Resort, and the Great Wall at Mutianyu are at the top of the list of places to visit in China.