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Updated by Jakub Dubec on Mar 08, 2023
Jakub Dubec Jakub Dubec
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Top 10 permaculture knowledge resources

Find more information about permaculture and learn.

Vítejte v experimentálním prostoru zaměřeném na sdílení vědomostí o permakultuře, přírodním bydlení a všem, co s tím souvisí. Naleznete zde rostoucí vědomostní bázi o všem, co vás může zajímat. Prosím, neočekávejte, že zde najdete odpovědi na všechny vaše otázky. Naší snahou je v prvotní fázi projektu nejdříve zmapovat témata, pojmy a jejich vzájemné vazby.

Geoff Lawton - Wikipedia

Geoff Lawton (born 10 December 1954) is a British-born Australian permaculture consultant, designer, teacher and speaker.[1][2] Since 1995 he has specialised in permaculture education, design, implementation, system establishment, administration and community development.[3]

Sepp Holzer Permaculture – The Dalai Lama of Permaculture

The sole purpose of this website is to spread the word about the Holzer Technique (also called Holzer Permaculture or Holzer Agro-Ecology.

What is Permaculture? - Permaculture

New to permaculture, or want to learn more? Here are lots of useful links, books and resources to help you into the permaculture world.

Permaculture Principles by Bill Mollison - World Permaculture Association

Permaculture is immagination intensive. It is the quality of thought and the information we use that determines yield, not the size or quality of the site

Man Leaves City to Create Beautiful Permaculture Farm

14 years ago, Crispin Moorey quit his city job to start a beautiful permaculture farm and homestead in the Japanese countryside together with his wife Kazumi...